Hello boxers,
75gallontank004.jpg I recently picked up Donald's 75 gallon oceanic rr stand and canopy. I am going to paint the stand and canopy to better match my living room. And i need to give it a good vinegar bath to remove some of the salt, as I'm going to be doing freshwater. I'm going to be running a wet/dry with a good turnover, so I should be able to handle a pretty good fish load. So in the mean time, I'm trying to decide what to do with the tank. I've got a 29 gallon up and running with 6 congo tetras, 3 green corys, and a bristlenose pleco. I could add these fish to the new tank and add on, or I could keep the 29 as is, and take the 75 in a completely different direction. I'd like to keep fish in the tank that will not outgrow it as I'd like to keep these fish their whole lives. Any suggestions?
75gallontank004.jpg I recently picked up Donald's 75 gallon oceanic rr stand and canopy. I am going to paint the stand and canopy to better match my living room. And i need to give it a good vinegar bath to remove some of the salt, as I'm going to be doing freshwater. I'm going to be running a wet/dry with a good turnover, so I should be able to handle a pretty good fish load. So in the mean time, I'm trying to decide what to do with the tank. I've got a 29 gallon up and running with 6 congo tetras, 3 green corys, and a bristlenose pleco. I could add these fish to the new tank and add on, or I could keep the 29 as is, and take the 75 in a completely different direction. I'd like to keep fish in the tank that will not outgrow it as I'd like to keep these fish their whole lives. Any suggestions?