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Got an Eco Pico for my GFs daughter for her 3rd birthday, stocking suggestions...

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  • #16
    I think I am at a complete lost on this one.

    easy care
    not lame

    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #17
      My thoughts:
      Even if you put something in there she loves, she'll lose interest not long afterwards. Get something you would like in there and then let her pick out the specific ones. Capitalize on the short attention span, make a memory, and you're happy in the long run.

      Also, it doesn't have to be colorful. Kids love puffers just because they're neat. Pea puffers and red cherry/yellow/snowball shrimp would add color, a neat fish, and a food supply that might sustain itself. Guppies would work well too but you still get to watch the pea puffer hunt and eat.

      Gold twin bar platies are kinda cool when fully colored up.

      CPDs are also nice but are kinda pretty.

      Buy fish like baby red tail cats and pacus then keep replacing them.
      135 gal Fahaka Puffer
      150 gal Threadfin Acaras, Angels, Red Spotted Severum, Gold Severum, and a Silver Dollar
      185 gal Demasoni, Yellow Labs, Venustus, Rustys, Plecos, Clown Loaches, and Sharks


      • #18
        I think something like blue rams. Small colorful and can breed from time to time. But you could put feeder gold fish and the little girl would love them...
        Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


        • #19
          Thanks, yea... So many choices, I also have to consider hardiness also as I don't know how she will take to dead fish yet. I haven't even thought about the short attention span.... Good point! Thinking about throwing everything together and let the strongest survive. Lol
          Resident BUM !!!


          • #20
            Beautiful scape! Glad to see you're getting her started in the aquarium hobby early.
            30Long: L134 Leopard Frog Plecos X16, Corydoras Sterbai X9, Endlers X4

            Small ADA nano (~8gal): ... BKK or OEBT breeding tank in the works!

            75g Craigslist Special: In the works...


            • #21
              Ya my 4 y/o he has a 20 gallon with yellow labs and everytime we go to the lfs he wants something new an different for his tank his mind changes so often and within 30 mins apart at that


              • #22
                if you want to suck it up I have black moscow guppies


                • #23
                  Originally posted by eklikewhoa View Post
                  goldust/sunset mollies, instant gratification

                  I've always wanted to do sunset mollies or sunset swordtails. I had swords as a kid, but I haven't since.

                  Originally posted by troy tucker View Post
                  I think something like blue rams. Small colorful and can breed from time to time. But you could put feeder gold fish and the little girl would love them...

                  I am partial to blue rams, and you do have some wood in the tank which would help lower the ph a tiny bit and leech some tannins, but rams are picky and finicky about water quality. Explaining to a three year old why they keep going belly up would suck. Still, it could be done with good maintenance. In fact, if you stay on it, you could do one blue ram as a centerpiece fish with some smaller fish as dithers. I would get the smaller fish first and let the tank mature a bit, then add the ram.
                  Last edited by cpirnie3; 06-27-2012, 02:24 PM.


                  • #24
                    An 8 gallon will be tough with nearlly any fish other than micros and they can be quite finicky about water, food, and anything. Shrimp are great, but not as fun for kids.

                    For ease of care maybe a small school (4-6) of Cherry barbs (or even celestial pearl danios) and a pair of Kuhli loaches? They all can deal with our tap water and are fairly tough. If you went with Distilled water only, you could go with a school of Boraras, ember tetras, or ruby tetras.
                    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
                    Desiderius Erasmus
                    GHAC President


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by johnnymisty View Post
                      Ya my 4 y/o he has a 20 gallon with yellow labs and everytime we go to the lfs he wants something new an different for his tank his mind changes so often and within 30 mins apart at that
                      Are you related to Tater Tot?
                      Go to Heaven for the climate Hell for the company.

                      125g SA/CA
                      125g Red Jewels, and mbuna
                      90g Hex Angels, Tetras, and Cories
                      55g Low Tech Planted. Guppies, Neon Tetras, Red Cherry Shrimp
                      55g peacock pair
                      45g Fry tank
                      12g Hospital Tank
                      75g Coming soon....Geos?


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Airjammer View Post
                        Are you related to Tater Tot?
                        No why



                        • #27
                          He loses interest that fast as well! Lol!
                          Go to Heaven for the climate Hell for the company.

                          125g SA/CA
                          125g Red Jewels, and mbuna
                          90g Hex Angels, Tetras, and Cories
                          55g Low Tech Planted. Guppies, Neon Tetras, Red Cherry Shrimp
                          55g peacock pair
                          45g Fry tank
                          12g Hospital Tank
                          75g Coming soon....Geos?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Airjammer View Post
                            Are you related to Tater Tot?
                            700g Mini-Monster tank


                            • #29
                              He just wants all the cool stuff and can't jam it all into one small tank


                              • #30
                                I would google pics of every type that you want and let her choose between them. Win/win for both!

