Thanks Toten. The mollies seem to still be holding their ground, so for now, I'm set. Not too worried about the fry in the angel tank. I may, at some point, quarantine a female & let her go for it. I'm not looking to overpopulate, I just didn't want more than 1 male with less than 4 females. Gotta give a girl a break now and then!
Another thing I've noticed about my community tank... I knew the mollies liked the algae wafers but the first time I dropped one in there, it looked like I poked an anthill with a stick. MOB SCENE! Seriously! All of them love the algae wafers. Guppies, tetras, mollies & danios. After the first time I was afraid someone was going to get hurt in the frenzy, so I've since broken them up when I give them to them, which is about once every other day or so.
Tek, we only have 1 rainbow shark left. It can be seen in the video I posted of the angel tank earlier today in Fishography. Its roughly 4 inches long. We had 2 smaller ones in there for a few days, but lost 2 due to some freaky water thing that happened when I raised the temp and treated for Ich. One dove to his death on the way to the hospital tank and the other just didn't make it. The 2 that died chased each other constantly & were aggressive toward each other, which is why we added a PVC maze & the big flower pot so that they had places to hide from one another. The biggest one lived and it was never party to the aggressive behavior. No idea why. In a way I'm glad we only have 1 now. Its so much more at ease and not hiding in the PVC all the time.
Another thing I've noticed about my community tank... I knew the mollies liked the algae wafers but the first time I dropped one in there, it looked like I poked an anthill with a stick. MOB SCENE! Seriously! All of them love the algae wafers. Guppies, tetras, mollies & danios. After the first time I was afraid someone was going to get hurt in the frenzy, so I've since broken them up when I give them to them, which is about once every other day or so.
Tek, we only have 1 rainbow shark left. It can be seen in the video I posted of the angel tank earlier today in Fishography. Its roughly 4 inches long. We had 2 smaller ones in there for a few days, but lost 2 due to some freaky water thing that happened when I raised the temp and treated for Ich. One dove to his death on the way to the hospital tank and the other just didn't make it. The 2 that died chased each other constantly & were aggressive toward each other, which is why we added a PVC maze & the big flower pot so that they had places to hide from one another. The biggest one lived and it was never party to the aggressive behavior. No idea why. In a way I'm glad we only have 1 now. Its so much more at ease and not hiding in the PVC all the time.