Well everyone, had another acquisition today. Bought a pair of Bedotia geayi (Madagascar Rainbowfish). They are very peaceful little fish and seem to be loners. I am probably going to buy a few more soon as I have read they like to be in a small school. Here are some pics and I hope you enjoy!
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My recently added Bedotia geayi (Madagascar Rainbowfish)
My recently added Bedotia geayi (Madagascar Rainbowfish)
65G African Tank (1 Ropefish, 1 Senegal Bichir, 3 Spotted Climbing Pearch, 2 Black Calvus "Zebra", 1 Featherfin Cat, African Knife, 2 Upside down Cats and an African Butterfly Fish.
30G "The Mudhole" 3 African Mudskippers (Periophthalmus barbarus)
20G 4 Longfin Zebra Danio, 2 Julii Cory, 2 Bolivian Ram, 1 Stripped Raphael and 3 Glass Cats.Tags: None