First Id like to note that I know a lot of people dislike hybrids, my question has to do with keeping this fish healthy so any posts to the contrary will be flagged.
I have a 45G bowfront that has been properly cycled and is currently over filtered by a wet/dry system, although I haven't tested the ph watersoftener was added 24 hours prior to my BP being added. I have heard that they are quiet finicky for the first week and to allow time for them to get used to their surroundings. My problem is I've tried feeding her chiclid flakes, tropical food and blood worms. She wont touch anything but the blood worms and I don't won't her to get used to getting it all the time. She has been staying at the bottom of the tank and my only option has been turning off the pump on the wet/dry so I can get everything to sink properly. Even then she won't move to much out of her way to eat, although usually when I walk back into the room I'll find her swimming around only to have her hide from me once she spots me.
She was the only one in the tank until yesterday when we needed to move one of our red tail sharks, they seem like they are fine with each with no noted agression. I thought by adding him she might have a bit of competition for food and shed step up her game, but she doesn't seem to care. I'd hate for her to not eat if I just put flakes in so Ive been feeding her the blood worms. Any advice?
I have a 45G bowfront that has been properly cycled and is currently over filtered by a wet/dry system, although I haven't tested the ph watersoftener was added 24 hours prior to my BP being added. I have heard that they are quiet finicky for the first week and to allow time for them to get used to their surroundings. My problem is I've tried feeding her chiclid flakes, tropical food and blood worms. She wont touch anything but the blood worms and I don't won't her to get used to getting it all the time. She has been staying at the bottom of the tank and my only option has been turning off the pump on the wet/dry so I can get everything to sink properly. Even then she won't move to much out of her way to eat, although usually when I walk back into the room I'll find her swimming around only to have her hide from me once she spots me.
She was the only one in the tank until yesterday when we needed to move one of our red tail sharks, they seem like they are fine with each with no noted agression. I thought by adding him she might have a bit of competition for food and shed step up her game, but she doesn't seem to care. I'd hate for her to not eat if I just put flakes in so Ive been feeding her the blood worms. Any advice?