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amquel+ or prime

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  • #31
    Re: amquel+ or prime

    The powder form doesn't seem to treat that much more water than the liquid form.


    • #32
      Originally posted by SunnyHouTX View Post
      The powder form doesn't seem to treat that much more water than the liquid form.
      didn't say it was any cheaper just said it comes in powder lol
      Mentally Challenged

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      • #33
        Re: amquel+ or prime

        I didn't accuse you of lying FFS


        • #34
          I didn't say you did FFSPLS
          Mentally Challenged

          My Flickr


          • #35
            I don't use either. I don't use any water safe prod. I don't have a carben bottle or RO. filter. I age my water 24h. No chem at all. I never have a prob. I do 50% water changes one a week. In 7 tanks.
            Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


            • #36
              Originally posted by troy tucker View Post
              I don't use either. I don't use any water safe prod. I don't have a carben bottle or RO. filter. I age my water 24h. No chem at all. I never have a prob. I do 50% water changes one a week. In 7 tanks.
              It's a good idea, but for me, I do too large of a water change and too frequently to age that much water for multiple tanks. Also, paying for a container the size that I would need would cost way too much than just buying Safe. I would age water if it were just for a few small tanks though.


              • #37
                I still say prime/safe is the way to go. Large water changes I'm using safe. Since I have purigen I'll have prime on hand.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by cu0ngsayz View Post
                  I still say prime/safe is the way to go. Large water changes I'm using safe. Since I have purigen I'll have prime on hand.
                  :confused: Because you have purigen you're going to have prime on hand? I'm lost. Please do tell why.


                  • #39
                    Some questions for you Seachem Safe users... Since the product is in a powder form, how do you go about adding it to the tank? Do you just put it by the output of a canister or wet/dry? Do you premix it in some tank water and then add it? Does it stay in little chunks of dry powder if you just add it straight to the tank, or does it dissolve right away?


                    • #40
                      Re: amquel+ or prime

                      Originally posted by mistahoo View Post
                      :confused: Because you have purigen you're going to have prime on hand? I'm lost. Please do tell why.
                      When you recharge purigen, Seachem recommends soaking in high conc. Prime after the bleach soak.
                      30Long: L134 Leopard Frog Plecos X16, Corydoras Sterbai X9, Endlers X4

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                      • #41
                        Using safe I do the same thing as I would using prime. Just put it in the water before filling the tank. thank you texsun I have prime on hand for purigen recharge.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by TexSun View Post
                          When you recharge purigen, Seachem recommends soaking in high conc. Prime after the bleach soak.
                          Thanks for clearing that up. Still a bit confused though. If Safe is a more concentrated version of Prime, why not just use Safe after recharging the Purigen in bleach? Is it because it's powder?


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by cu0ngsayz View Post
                            Using safe I do the same thing as I would using prime. Just put it in the water before filling the tank. thank you texsun I have prime on hand for purigen recharge.
                            Does it dissolve right away? Or does it leave like little powder crumbles (kind of like when you make drinks from powders)?


                            • #44
                              It's a good idea, but for me, I do too large of a water change and too frequently to age that much water for multiple tanks. Also, paying for a container the size that I would need would cost way too much than just buying Safe. I would age water if it were just for a few small tanks though.

                              My few small tank are a little over 350g of water. The water containers I have cost me $20.00 for a 65g drum and $25.00 for a 55g glass tank. the pump to move water was about $40.00 new and its all paid for...
                              My big tank I can do 85% water change if I use both containers but even 50% takes both. So the drum only gets use for the big tank.
                              The last time I got prim for my water it was about $9.00. Don't remember how long that lasts but it wasn't that long. As the years slip away I am sure the containers and pump have paied for them selfs....
                              Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by mistahoo View Post
                                Does it dissolve right away? Or does it leave like little powder crumbles (kind of like when you make drinks from powders)?
                                From what I've observe it seems to dissolve right away

