front corner fish- the fish you always find top front corner of the tank. never the prettiest fish of the group. in lifes game of tag you are it. this one's always getting tagged.
back corner fish- the fish that hides/ makes it's home near or at the filter intake or undergravel uplift tubes. usually faded in color, emaciated, may often be stack to a filter intake. they usually start out as front corner fish. must diffrenetiated from filter fish, as these guys are still alive (usually not for long)
filter fish- may occur as small schoals, stuck to the intake.
floater- the dead floating fish you wake up to in the morning or come home to in the evening. synonym- prepetual backstroker.
blind floater- floater minus eyes.
bobber- that one fish, who's just lost the ability to sink.
spiral of death- it's a trick move with great degree of difficulty, never ends well.
flying fish- also known as jumpers.
jerky fish- flying fish a day after.
tank buster- a general term for any number of fish that may infact need larger accomidations, like a lake or ocean.
feeder fish- the smallest fish in the tank. often swiming in a wiggling
plecostomus- every tank should have one. they eat poop and make cleaning and water changes unnecessary. and when they get too big you can throw them in the lake where they help to clean up the enviroment.
jelly fish- the floater that has been left too long in the tank. one must take great care in retrieving it from the water as they often disintegrate on contact.
dominant male- usually bigger than his counter parts. he is the king of his domain. no one tells him what to do, because usually he has killed the female, and everyone else.
sick tank- where your fish go to die.
german degrees of hardness- something we rarely measure and don't quite understand.
amonia and nitrate levels- no one has invented a kit that can measure anything greater than 0 ppm
bioload- poop
fishless cycling- after the last fish has died in your newly set up aquarium, then you've sucessfully cycled the tank and you are fishless.
back corner fish- the fish that hides/ makes it's home near or at the filter intake or undergravel uplift tubes. usually faded in color, emaciated, may often be stack to a filter intake. they usually start out as front corner fish. must diffrenetiated from filter fish, as these guys are still alive (usually not for long)
filter fish- may occur as small schoals, stuck to the intake.
floater- the dead floating fish you wake up to in the morning or come home to in the evening. synonym- prepetual backstroker.
blind floater- floater minus eyes.
bobber- that one fish, who's just lost the ability to sink.
spiral of death- it's a trick move with great degree of difficulty, never ends well.
flying fish- also known as jumpers.
jerky fish- flying fish a day after.
tank buster- a general term for any number of fish that may infact need larger accomidations, like a lake or ocean.
feeder fish- the smallest fish in the tank. often swiming in a wiggling
plecostomus- every tank should have one. they eat poop and make cleaning and water changes unnecessary. and when they get too big you can throw them in the lake where they help to clean up the enviroment.
jelly fish- the floater that has been left too long in the tank. one must take great care in retrieving it from the water as they often disintegrate on contact.
dominant male- usually bigger than his counter parts. he is the king of his domain. no one tells him what to do, because usually he has killed the female, and everyone else.
sick tank- where your fish go to die.
german degrees of hardness- something we rarely measure and don't quite understand.
amonia and nitrate levels- no one has invented a kit that can measure anything greater than 0 ppm
bioload- poop
fishless cycling- after the last fish has died in your newly set up aquarium, then you've sucessfully cycled the tank and you are fishless.