So far I have seen a lot of fish. No luck with the wieners and hooks. The perch I haven't see up close but I do have a far that is stuck in my part of the creek because down the creek there are logs blocking it off. He's about 1.5-2 feet, with dark brown top, and white spots everywhere. I'm hoping to get a cast net and just catch so and look at them. Any body have any cool fish they caught?
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My creek watching
Try dry dog food. You can chum the water with this or take a small drill bit and make holes by hand for putting on a hook. There is a large pond here in Texas City that has some big (1.5' to 2') carp in it that can't get enough of this. They will swarm the area and we used to catch them in a cast net just to check them out. Canned corn does wonders as well.
Originally posted by Johnsbra123 View PostSo far I have seen a lot of fish. No luck with the wieners and hooks. The perch I haven't see up close but I do have a far that is stuck in my part of the creek because down the creek there are logs blocking it off. He's about 1.5-2 feet, with dark brown top, and white spots everywhere. I'm hoping to get a cast net and just catch so and look at them. Any body have any cool fish they caught?Don't tell fish stories where people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish.
Mark Twain
My in-laws live near Cleveland and we go perch jerking in a creek that feeds San Jacinto River.( I think) We catch some very beight colored perch with lots of Red and orange. I havent been in a while though. Get a small hook and tip it with a rolly polly.
200 - African cichlids
72 - Salty Bow Front
33 Cube - community
10's - Freshwater Shrimp