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any info on Odyssea CFS 500 Canister Filter

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  • #16
    What i read was the pinch or break and after that it needs to be replaced i dont think they cost that much read it in customer reviews


    • #17
      That's unfortunate, if they fixed those two problems, it would be great for the price.
      FRENCH FRY!!!

      55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


      • #18
        Just read through gunners response on the CFS.
        He tells you what seals, how to lube and how to cut the foam to make it flow far more than others.
        He evens tells you what part number on the seals both lowes and HD to get.
        Take the time and read it as for its buck, theres much on the bang.
        Ebay will ship them for free and honestly, besides the CFS not having trays like the FX5, I was going to take out that foam crap and put pot scrubbers in it and call it a day.
        Just something to think about if the pocket is not forgiving.
        I am strongly thinking about getting one just to do it.



        • #19
          IMO you can't go wrong with Eheim, I have five 2262's and they are the best filter I've ever used. Easy to clean, quiet, and serious flow rate.
          420 Gallon: IT's, NGT's, NTT's, AT's, Cichla Pleizona, Bichirs, Blue Arowana, Spotted Gar, Clown Loaches

