so i have questions regarding using gloves or tools (thus avoiding putting hands in the water at all). personally, i have always felt like i'm not happy unless i'm in up to my elbows.
but i've heard that this can be a bad practice. obviously i always wash thoroughly before working in a tank, and don't put on lotions or anything like that to avoid introducing chemicals/substances to the water. i'll even skip deodorant if i think i'll be working in a deeper tank just to avoid the risk. i'll need another shower afterwards anyhow. using tools (especially planting tools) seems too clumsy for me, i try but i almost always end up tossing them aside and just doing it with my hands. the only negative i've really seen from doing so was a cut on my hand (stupid green dot algae only comes off with a razor blade...) that got badly infected, i'd assume from the tank fauna. so i was hoping that for my benefit and hopefully that of others as well, we could discuss what methods people recommend and why? i'd love to hear other's experiences with this issue. thank you in advance!
