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what kind of flowerhorn is this?

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  • what kind of flowerhorn is this?

    i got this flowerhorn a few weeks ago i think its kamfa but idk can anyone help me identify this FH thanks for lookingIMGP0397.jpgIMGP0393.jpgIMGP0394.jpgIMGP0395.jpg

  • #2
    i think your right at being a classic kamfa
    175 tropheus Chaitika
    125 tropheus Ujiji
    90 tropheus Nkonde


    • #3
      Probably classic kamfa. Where'd you get it?


      • #4
        i got him at my lfs for 6 bucks cause the lady rang it up as a glo fish lol but he/she has put on alot of color since ive had it im just feeding nls and bloodworms thanks for the feedback


        • #5
          and how do i know if its a female or male its about 3-4in long is it still to early


          • #6
            lol mines is about 6-7" and I still don't know if it's a male or female. I've heard that females can get a kok just as the males do. I have no clue how to sex them...


            • #7
              lol ok i just hope he developes into a awesome fish hes really active ad loves his new home when does the kok start showing or is that all about genetics


              • #8
                it has alot to do with genetics
                dont bro me if you dont know me!!!!!


                • #9
                  ^ this. Mainly genetics. Although even if they have the genetics, some may not pop as much unless certain factors are present/introduced such as diet. I've also seen a FH's kok reduce in size drastically (the display one at Fish Ranch). I thought his dome was big and Tran showed me a pic of when it was at it's peak! It nearly reduced by half from the size of a large grapefruit to the size of an orange.


                  • #10
                    My FH's kok is still lacking. It was a little bigger than the size of a golf ball, but ever since he was put in check by his/her tankmates, its kok reduced in size. I've been feeding mine Hikari Massivore and Hikari Jumbo Carnisticks. Only fed live a few times when I ran low on food but not much. Others have had success with their kok getting massive by feeding live feeders and it gets them really aggressive, but I'd rather not because possible disease/parasite transferring over to my fish. Plus quarantining and gut loading is too much of a hassle for me.


                    • #11
                      appreciate it for the feedback will be posting progression pics of this little guy as he grows

