I'm thinking about buying a few pairs of them to put into a 10g planted tank. I'm really leaning towards some chocolate australes that a guy is selling on Aquabid.com. It has been really hard finding any info on these guys and the most that I have gathered is that they like to be in pairs (which they will) and they are mop spawners (which doesn't matter too much because I just like the way they look--if they breed, it's a plus and I might keep a mop in there for them). Does anyone have these, or know anything about them??? I'm pretty sure their scientific name is "Aphyosemion australe" but that still really doesn't help me much... I just kinda want to know about their temperament and what the max size group is for a 10g... I kinda want as many pairs as I can get in there without them killing each other because they are such an attractive fish! If anyone has any info, please post it! I'm thinking about ordering them when my leg gets better so that I can get around and do what I want. I have also e-mailed the seller about these, but he hasn't e-mailed me back yet...