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Got the itch again!

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  • Got the itch again!

    I got really burnt out from the hobby over the last month. I'm getting th itch again. I'm off to a rough start. I purchased 10 juvie betta rutilans the other day. Unfortunately, my wife decided it would be nice to leave the heater off during the cold spell. I generally, don't keep my nanos heated and so I came home with half of them floating around in ice cold water. I don't know if the rest will make it. However, I told my wife that because I can't trust her to keep the house at a constant temp, then I'm going back to native pygmy sun fish and killies, which I had to stop because she was grossed out with brine shrimp and live food. I gotta start working on new brine shrimp hatcheries and holding tanks. Probably, get a white worm or banana worm culture going. It is ON!
    Emerald Green Rainbowfish
    Yellow Rabbit Snails

  • #2
    Man sorry for your loss
    125 gal-P. Kachase,simochromis, vampire pleco,bn pleco,bulldog pleco

    55 gal- Ilangis ,clown pleco,abn pleco,rubber lip pleco

    55 gal-Canary cheek,Ikola,duboisi, and fry

    10 gal -fry tank,snails


    • #3
      Re: Got the itch again!

      Glad to hear the hiatus was a short one Jonas.


      • #4
        If you want, I can split off some of my microworm culture to get you in the door.


        • #5
          Originally posted by mistahoo View Post
          If you want, I can split off some of my microworm culture to get you in the door.
          Thanks I may take you up on that. I've gotta get everything set up. It was a short break from fish but a needed one.
          Emerald Green Rainbowfish
          Yellow Rabbit Snails


          • #6
            Doesn't take much but a tupperware container, some instapotatoes, and some yeast. By the time you got your setup ready and fish, you'd have a massive culture to feed them with! Just hit me up when you want some. I'm about to expand my culture soon.


            • #7
              What are microworms ?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Ballinxalex View Post
                What are microworms ?
                Exactly what it's name is. A worm that's micro sized. Lol


                • #9
                  I believe it is a nematode. They are very easy to culture and make great food for small fish.
                  Hi-fin pepper Cory's, Black Cory's, Long Fin Golden Aneus, Swordtails, some lyretail(RREA's, Red, Albino Koi, Red & Gold Tux), Different types of BN plecos(albino, calico, long fin, blue eyed short & long fin)
                  Mystery Snails, Yellow Shrimp, CPDs

                  HAS Master Aquatic Gardener awarded 1997
                  HAS Master Fish Breeder awarded 1998


                  • #10
                    Fantastic! glad to hear of your itch. You know calomine-lotion can fix it,,, :musik:
                    Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


                    • #11
                      I knew it was you before I saw who started the thread lol.
                      210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
                      125g Mdoka White Lip

                      "Success is the willingness to fail"


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by cu0ngsayz View Post
                        Exactly what it's name is. A worm that's micro sized. Lol
                        Originally posted by Fancyfish View Post
                        I believe it is a nematode. They are very easy to culture and make great food for small fish.
                        Both are correct. They are definitely easy to culture and great food for fish ranging from 1/16"-3" and possibly bigger fish if they can see the worms? I would go with another food choice if you're trying to feed anything larger than 3". Microworms are especially good for fish that accept only live foods as the microworms live for quite a while in a tank and are constantly moving. I've read online that they last about 6 hours in the water, but given the right parameters, they will last at least 1-2 days (at least when I fed them they lasted that long).


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by black_knight View Post
                          Thanks I may take you up on that. I've gotta get everything set up. It was a short break from fish but a needed one.
                          I've restarted my culture. It'll be a few days until they're thriving, but whenever you're ready, let me know! Any specific killies you're gonna start with?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by mistahoo View Post
                            I've restarted my culture. It'll be a few days until they're thriving, but whenever you're ready, let me know! Any specific killies you're gonna start with?
                            I may do a clown killie tank with a fluval spec II or III.
                            I'm thinking of a diapteron tank, but like your black pearl killies not easy to get in US.
                            My first project is a a fluval spec V, I bought today. I'm thinking of a planted pygmy sunfish tank on my night stand. Gonna fill it up tomorrow and start cycling.
                            Emerald Green Rainbowfish
                            Yellow Rabbit Snails


                            • #15
                              Those killifish look great! Are they annuals as well?

