I got really burnt out from the hobby over the last month. I'm getting th itch again. I'm off to a rough start. I purchased 10 juvie betta rutilans the other day. Unfortunately, my wife decided it would be nice to leave the heater off during the cold spell. I generally, don't keep my nanos heated and so I came home with half of them floating around in ice cold water.
I don't know if the rest will make it. However, I told my wife that because I can't trust her to keep the house at a constant temp, then I'm going back to native pygmy sun fish and killies, which I had to stop because she was grossed out with brine shrimp and live food. I gotta start working on new brine shrimp hatcheries and holding tanks. Probably, get a white worm or banana worm culture going. It is ON!
