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plywood tank idea

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  • plywood tank idea

    Posted this on wrong foum earlier. Has anyone ever had any experience with plywood tanks. I have been looking at plans for one. If i wasto make it i would want it 6 foot tall to go in the corner of our living room. I would like suggestions and comments.

  • #2
    plywood tank idea

    I've seen this done many times. Check plenty of members on that site have made there own 200-1000 gallon tanks.


    • #3
      Im wondering about glass thickness i have a piece of 3/8 " .


      • #4
        plywood tank idea

        Depends on size of the tank. 6' doesn't say much. How many gallons. My 72 gallon is 3/8" galss. My 210 is 1/2"
        ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ


        • #5
          3/8 would not be thick enough for a 6' tall tank. but I am interested to know what would work...
          Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


          • #6
            Re: plywood tank idea

            For a tank that's 6ft in height, you're gonna need around 1" thick glass at least, maybe less but I'd go with 1" after doing some research. There's something written about how to select thickness of glass somewhere on the net. Thickness of glass is solely dependent on height of tank. Length of tank dictates bracing.


            • #7
              Was thinking about cutting two window out in front so that i would have a external plywood brace for bow factor on glass the glass i have is 72" X21" 3/8 thk brace would be atleast 6" wide
              Last edited by dbc2804; 10-30-2012, 08:29 PM.


              • #8
                Not sure that will work either just shooting around ideas bought the glass to repair a 125gal but the 125 i bought it for is actualy 72 3/16"L so no i have a piece of glass that wont work for that tank either


                • #9
                  There an app that a member posted on here for Droids. It supposedly gives you calculations on how thick of a material you'd need to have for certain dimensions. I couldn't get it to download, so I'm in the dark about it.


                  • #10
                    Hope this helps.

                    tells you exactly what you need after you select what you want to use

