Instead of making 3 separate threads, I figured I would just share some pics in one and not waste unnecessary space. Up first in my African Tank are 3 Three Striped African Glass Catfish (Pareutropius buffei).
Next in my planted tank is one of my favorite fish, which is strange because honestly there are not many barbs I care for. I bought a couple of Odessa Barbs (Puntius padamya) and just a goofy pic of one of my Bamboo Shrimp (Atyopsis moluccensis) feeding in the filter return current. Hope yall enjoy!
Next in my planted tank is one of my favorite fish, which is strange because honestly there are not many barbs I care for. I bought a couple of Odessa Barbs (Puntius padamya) and just a goofy pic of one of my Bamboo Shrimp (Atyopsis moluccensis) feeding in the filter return current. Hope yall enjoy!