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75 gal

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  • 75 gal

    Some one wanted me to start a thread on my 75gal cause he was curious about my snowflake so currently in my 75 gal i have the snowflake morray eel, 4" sydontis catfish, 6" jack dempsey, 9" sengali birchir, 6" flowerhorn, 2"obliquiden, 3 7" jaguar cichlids, 7" green terror, 4" red tail catfish, foot long regular pleco, 5" blue ahli, and a 5" bumblebee. For the most part they all coexist peacefully. I feed them tons of pellets and tons of feeders....the jaguar cichlids are starting to become a nuisance because they eat all the feeders b4 the mooray birchir and red tail can get any so i think im gonna take 2 of them out and put a 10" ghost knife in instead. I have a cascade 1000 filter and then one of those 75$ ebay knockoff canister filter with the built in uv. The lights are t5 wit 2 atinic and 2 white.
    cant figure out how to upload pic since all mine are to big
    135gal- blue ahli, bumble bee, flowerhorn, plecos, jaguar, rtc
    75gal- 2 spotted gar, 9" sengali birchir, freshwater snowflake mooray eel, synodontis catfish, 10" royal knife,
    30gal- pleco, tetras, rope fish, featherfin cat, guppies, gouramis


  • #2
    That seems quite the stock. Have you thought about upgrading your tank to possibly a 200gal+? I've kept an RTC before in my 100gal and boy did that thing eat! He'd beat all my other fish to the food and he was about 12" when I gave him away. I would've kept him if I wasn't gonna try to breed fish, but I would've kept him in a huge tank. The one at Xtreme is awfully big and cramped into what looks like a 300g tank.

    Email me the pics and I can upload for you.


    • #3
      I would also recommend that you don't feed your fish feeders unless you're quarantining or breeding them yourself. A lot of fish get diseases and parasites transferred to them through feeders because they're usually from the LFS and the LFS keep them in foul conditions. Get your fish on some NLS or Hikari foods. The only foods I trust are NLS, Hikari, Ken's, and Danichi. They're quality stuff


      • #4
        i have the 130 gal tank with the caiman in it that i am trying to sell so if i sell the caiman i will move all these fish to that tank. The rtc just sits in a log and never really leaves...buts its one of the smallest fish in there...I usually get the feeder fish and then leave them in another tank for a week before i feed them to the other ones. The mooray and the birchir wont eat the hikari but everything else does.
        135gal- blue ahli, bumble bee, flowerhorn, plecos, jaguar, rtc
        75gal- 2 spotted gar, 9" sengali birchir, freshwater snowflake mooray eel, synodontis catfish, 10" royal knife,
        30gal- pleco, tetras, rope fish, featherfin cat, guppies, gouramis



        • #5
          looking forward to seing pictures. Sound nice...
          Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


          • #6
            Re: 75 gal

            It takes a while. You have to pellet train them. One week isn't enough imo. You'd need to qt them for at least a month or two just because of how sickly the feeders usually are. Of your livestock, the rtc grows the fastest. I had mine for about 3 months. It more than doubled in size from 2" to 5" within the first three weeks because I fed it everyday. You can slow down their growth by feeding them weekly or even biweekly. Not doggin you for having it, just informing. A lot of people don't realize they get over 4ft and fast. These guys are one of my favorite fish, but too many buy them to put in small tanks without the intent of upgrading.

            Also looking forward to those pics! You could also upload to photobucket or Flickr and then copy/paste the IMG code and paste it into the reply box.

            Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.


            • #7
              my old roomate has one and his is at least 2'.... but ya ill upgrade tanks as i go...also im down the obliquiden i came home today to find half of it sticking out of my biggest jaguar cichlids sent
              135gal- blue ahli, bumble bee, flowerhorn, plecos, jaguar, rtc
              75gal- 2 spotted gar, 9" sengali birchir, freshwater snowflake mooray eel, synodontis catfish, 10" royal knife,
              30gal- pleco, tetras, rope fish, featherfin cat, guppies, gouramis



              • #8
                and as for the feeders go the mooray wont eat anything but live food, the rtc and the birchir can be trained to eat the pellets i no but the clown knife im gonna put in there i dont think will eat pellets either
                135gal- blue ahli, bumble bee, flowerhorn, plecos, jaguar, rtc
                75gal- 2 spotted gar, 9" sengali birchir, freshwater snowflake mooray eel, synodontis catfish, 10" royal knife,
                30gal- pleco, tetras, rope fish, featherfin cat, guppies, gouramis



                • #9
                  Posting for OP

