Some one wanted me to start a thread on my 75gal cause he was curious about my snowflake so currently in my 75 gal i have the snowflake morray eel, 4" sydontis catfish, 6" jack dempsey, 9" sengali birchir, 6" flowerhorn, 2"obliquiden, 3 7" jaguar cichlids, 7" green terror, 4" red tail catfish, foot long regular pleco, 5" blue ahli, and a 5" bumblebee. For the most part they all coexist peacefully. I feed them tons of pellets and tons of feeders....the jaguar cichlids are starting to become a nuisance because they eat all the feeders b4 the mooray birchir and red tail can get any so i think im gonna take 2 of them out and put a 10" ghost knife in instead. I have a cascade 1000 filter and then one of those 75$ ebay knockoff canister filter with the built in uv. The lights are t5 wit 2 atinic and 2 white.
cant figure out how to upload pic since all mine are to big
cant figure out how to upload pic since all mine are to big