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Truly Nanofish

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  • Truly Nanofish

    I started a list of some truely small fish available in the hobby. So if your looking to stock that 2.5-5 gallon here are some candidates. Though those on the bigger end may benifit from larger quarters. I chose 1 inch as the cut off for schoaling fish, as these do better when stocked 6 or more. For nonschoaling fish 1.5 cm was about the cut off. And yes there are larger fish you can keep in small quarters, but this is my cut off. I'll add more to the list when I can verify more max sizes on other species.

    Truly Nano
    Schoaling fish under 1 inch
    Boraras micro 10-13mm
    Boraras micros 10-13mm
    Boraras naevus 15-20mm
    Boraras merah 15-20mm
    Boraras brigittae 15-20mm
    Boraras maculatus 20-25mm
    Sundadanio axelrodi 15-20mm
    Danio margaritatus 15-20mm
    Danio erythromicron 15-20mm
    Microdevario kubotai 15-20mm
    Hyphessobrycon amandae 20mm
    Paracheirodon simulans 25mm
    Nonschoaling fish about 1.5 inches and under
    Pea Puffers
    Carinotetraodon travancoricus 25mm
    Carinotetraodon imitator 25mm
    Pygmy Sunfish
    Elassoma evergladei 30-40mm
    Elassoma okefenokee 30-40mm
    Elassoma gilberti 30-40mm
    Elassoma zonatum 30-40mm
    Leptolucania ommata 30mm
    Epiplatys annulatus 38mm
    Diapteron sp. 30-40mm
    Pygmy Live Bearers
    Heterandria formosa 25mm-males 35mm-females
    Micropoecilia minima 16mm-males 24mm-females
    Pygmy Rainbowfish (may or maynot schoal)
    Pseudomugil cyanodorsalis 35mm
    Pseudomugil gertrudae 30-38mm
    Iriatherina werneri 30-40mm
    Trichopsis pumila 35-40mm
    Parosphromenus (most species) 35-40mm
    Parasphaerichthys ocellatus 30mm
    Dwarf Bettas
    Betta channoides/albimarginata 35-40mm
    Betta coccina complex 35-40mm
    Betta dimidiata 35-40mm
    Dario dario 13mm females 20mm males
    Dario hysginon 15mm females 20mm males
    Dario sp. Myanmar 25mm females 35mm males
    Brachygobius sp. 25-35mm
    Stiphodon percnopterygionus 30-35mm
    Stiphodon surrufus 30-35mm
    Stiphodon rutilaureus 30-35mm
    Stiphodon birdsong 22mm
    Rhinogobius zhoui 36mm
    Pygmy Catfish
    Corydoras pygmaeus 21mm
    Batrochoglanis raninus 20mm
    Otocinclus hoppei 33mm
    Macrotocinclus affinis(Otos) 35-40mm
    Otocinclus cocama 36mm
    Microsynodontis sp. 26-40mm
    Last edited by black_knight; 12-13-2012, 02:32 AM.
    Emerald Green Rainbowfish
    Yellow Rabbit Snails

  • #2
    Re: Truly Nanofish

    I nominate sticky! Good info for nano tank enthusiasts! Thanks!

    Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.


    • #3
      yeah good list
      Never fear I is here
      David Abeles
      Vice President
      Greater Houston Aquarium Club


      • #4
        Re: Truly Nanofish

        Corydoras hasbrosus and corydoras hastatus are great candidates as well. Similar size to the pygmaeus

        Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.

