My daughter's kindergarten class has a 55 standard with a large Bala Shark, and some goldfish, couple small tetra's, 1 blue gourami.
They asked me if I could help with the tank and I said sure. I did a 25% water change 3 months ago and told them they should do them periodicly. Other instructions were to clean the slime out of the HOB filters, not over feed, stuff like that.
3 months later, I go back and find out the only thing they've done to take care of the tank is clean the crud out of the HOB filters (just one of the two) and add water from evap.
All the fish were fine, there was Algae all over the glass from the light fixture (2nd one doesn't work). Nitrates and Nitrites were low, General Water Hardness was about the same as mine at home, really really hard...
Ammonia was low.
The only number I remember was PH between 6.5 and 7. I remember the other numbers not super elevated. SO... here's the question. How is this tank surviving with little to no maintenance being done. The fish in there are hardy fish, but they say I'm the only one that's done water changes... the tank has been there 5 years.
They asked me if I could help with the tank and I said sure. I did a 25% water change 3 months ago and told them they should do them periodicly. Other instructions were to clean the slime out of the HOB filters, not over feed, stuff like that.
3 months later, I go back and find out the only thing they've done to take care of the tank is clean the crud out of the HOB filters (just one of the two) and add water from evap.
All the fish were fine, there was Algae all over the glass from the light fixture (2nd one doesn't work). Nitrates and Nitrites were low, General Water Hardness was about the same as mine at home, really really hard...
Ammonia was low.
The only number I remember was PH between 6.5 and 7. I remember the other numbers not super elevated. SO... here's the question. How is this tank surviving with little to no maintenance being done. The fish in there are hardy fish, but they say I'm the only one that's done water changes... the tank has been there 5 years.