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Will this work for a tank stand?

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  • Will this work for a tank stand?

    I am wanting to setup 2-3 ten gallon tanks and am wondering if something like this would work.  I already own one that is not being used so the price is right.  the only thing I would do to strengthen it is put wood under the tanks that would extend out to the larger pieces of metal on the edge.  I know for a fact the main poles can support 2 or 3 ten gallons, my only concern would be the plastic wedges that hold each shelf in place.

  • #2
    Re: With this work for a tank stand?

    I got one of those small shelves similar to that at Walmart and it's for kitchen use. I put a 10 gallon on the top shelf with nothing under it, and it has held up for about 2 months now with no problems! The shelf is a little bit longer than the tank, but it seems to hold it perfectly well and it's also standing on carpet. I guess I probably should have put some wood underneath the tank, but I'm not too handy with that type of thing so I didn't...



    • #3
      Re: Will this work for a tank stand?

      I figured it would be ok.  With water and a filter I dont imagine the 10 gallon would weight more than 100-120lbs, and I would think a metal shelf is made to withstand that kind of weight.

      I think I will put mine on the bottom 2 shelfs though :wink:


      • #4
        Re: Will this work for a tank stand?

        It should work fine.  

        If I can store cases of 12 - 1 liter bags on the shelves at should work for 2-3 10g tanks.


        • #5
          Re: Will this work for a tank stand?

          Originally posted by rrocket2002";p="
          cases of 12 - 1 liter bags
          I'll take your word that it will hold, but can you clarify this statement.  I didnt realize bags were heavy. :?


          • #6
            Re: Will this work for a tank stand?

            Yeah, I made sure to read about the shelf before I bought it and it said that each shelf would hold 150lbs maximum and I figure my tank weighs about 100lbs + or - full with the gravel and tank and water and filter... So, I took a chance and it works! the top shelf is not but 2 1/2 feet off the floor though, so it's not so bad. Like I said, this shelf is pretty small. Good luck with your tanks!



            • #7
              Re: Will this work for a tank stand?

              Originally posted by NDsuperduty";p="
              Originally posted by rrocket2002";p="
              cases of 12 - 1 liter bags
              I'll take your word that it will hold, but can you clarify this statement.  I didnt realize bags were heavy. :?
              LOL...Sorry, I work at a Hospital.  These 1 liter bags would be filled with IV fluids like Dextrose or Normal Saline.  So each bag actually weighs 1000ml.  

              As long as the plastic wedges are put on correctly and evenly on all four poles you should be ok.  How many shelves do you have on yours and how many tanks per shelf?


              • #8
                Re: Will this work for a tank stand?

                I think the one pictured is almost exactly like what I have.  Mine is rought 15" deep and 40" wide with 4 shelves.  At the moment I plan to use 2 ten gallons as grow tanks for the fry frontosa I just bought.


                • #9
                  Re: Will this work for a tank stand?

                  Depending how many fry you have, 20L's  would work better.  

                  You should be able to put 2 10g per shelf or 1 20L per shelf.


                  • #10
                    Re: Will this work for a tank stand?

                    i was going to buy a 20L, but you can get 3 or 4 10's for the price of any other small tank.  When I bought a 10 this morning, I was going to get a 15 and they wanted almost $30.  Thats $15-20 more than a 10gallon and you get a woping 5 more gallons.


                    • #11
                      Re: Will this work for a tank stand?

                      I had a link somewhere......they had industrial shelving which I was gonna use for my breeding rack....
                      700g Mini-Monster tank


                      • #12
                        Re: Will this work for a tank stand?

                        I went back to sames to see what the box said, and for one almost identical to mine and the max load was like 500lbs per shelf.


                        • #13
                          Re: Will this work for a tank stand?

                          On another forum one of the members got metal pipes and notched them to fit on the rails in the center of the shelf....he noticed that with all the weight of the tanks it made the center of the shelf bow really bad.
                          700g Mini-Monster tank


                          • #14
                            Re: Will this work for a tank stand?

                            If they are true Metro racks they can handle about 1200 per complete rack and 500 per shelf...
                            Imitations have a NASTY habit of NOT handling that even though they tell you they can.

                            What fish do Jesper have
                            180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
                            Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
                            58 S. Decorus

                            "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


                            • #15
                              Re: Will this work for a tank stand?

                              Not sure what you mean by Metro racks, but these were purchased from Sam's.

