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2 tanks on 1 wet/dry

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  • #16
    Re: 2 tanks on 1 wet/dry


    Do you have the tanks water kind of waterfalling down tothe next tank like in my diagram, or do you have 4 tube running down to the wet/dry and 4 seperate returns?


    • #17
      Re: 2 tanks on 1 wet/dry

      Each tank is drilled with two holes and each flow into the filter system.  Then split off of a 2400gph punp to individual return lines.
      300 W/C Burundi
      210 W/C Moba/ Cyrtocara Moorii
      210 F1 Moba
      180 W/C Mpimbwe
      180 F1 Burundi


      • #18
        Re: 2 tanks on 1 wet/dry

        I have several tanks setup like that, works great.


        • #19
          Re: 2 tanks on 1 wet/dry

          Why does everyone worry about if one tank gets sick the rest will.
          If you are doing the proper steps with keeping your fish healthy. You should have no reason to worry about having sick fish in the 1st place.

          You can have as many tanks on the wet/dry as you wish to. Just make sure that the wet/dry will big enought to handle the amount of water that will be returned to the wet/dry when there will be a power outage. Also you dont need to have 1 pump per tank for return flow to tanks. All u need is 1 pump with enought GPH to cover all tanks. You can do this by useing shut off valves to adjust the flow to each tank.
          Board Member of Houston Aquarium Society
          Mod OF Marshreef

          Breeder of Discus, Angels, Bristle nose & Sail fin Mollies
          Coming soon Daphnia


          • #20
            Re: 2 tanks on 1 wet/dry

            Because a lot of people will buy fish from random LFS or random places and not have a qt tank......Also with Tropheus bloat happens and when it does it dead fish could possibly mean 100's of dead fish within weeks if not days.
            700g Mini-Monster tank


            • #21
              Re: 2 tanks on 1 wet/dry

              Do you steralize your fish nets or have one for each tank?
              Do you have uncovered tanks where fish can jump from one tank to another ?
              Do you put your hands in more than one tank without steralizing them ?
              Do you add decorations without steralizing them ?
              Do you add plants, snails, feeders without quaranteening them ?
              Does your water company add enough chemicals to kill ick ?
              Do little children get up close and personal with your tanks ?
              Is your sump uncovered so that pets can drink from it ?
              Do you bring your outside fish & plants in for the winter ?
                  You Too can have a sick tank..........
              'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust ...'
              He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four-year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'


              • #22
                Re: 2 tanks on 1 wet/dry

                If they are on the same wet/dry does it matter if i wash my hands or clean fish nets or put my hand in more then one tank. Dont have young kids if they come over that not get that close. yes everything is steralized before going in to tanks. I treat my water before it goes in with the fish. Sump is behind the stand. No plants or fish come in for winter.

                Any other questions
                Board Member of Houston Aquarium Society
                Mod OF Marshreef

                Breeder of Discus, Angels, Bristle nose & Sail fin Mollies
                Coming soon Daphnia


                • #23
                  Re: 2 tanks on 1 wet/dry

                  I just wanted to point out that there are numerous ways to pass on a disease or parasite even for the most carefull of us.   And if you share a w/d system the problem will spread rapidlly unless you have a UV steralizer in line.
                  'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust ...'
                  He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four-year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'


                  • #24
                    Re: 2 tanks on 1 wet/dry

                    why is it that whenever someone ask about a wet/dry for more then 1 tank alot of people will jump in say how sick fish will treansfer their sickness to other fish.

                    If they are doing the things they shouls be doing then they will not have sick fish.
                    So it makes me wonder how well the fish keepers are caring for their fish.
                    As long as the new fish are being QTing like they should be & water is being treat before it hits the tanks & anything being put into a tank is cleaned then there should not be a worry about have any diseases in the tank.
                    Board Member of Houston Aquarium Society
                    Mod OF Marshreef

                    Breeder of Discus, Angels, Bristle nose & Sail fin Mollies
                    Coming soon Daphnia


                    • #25
                      Re: 2 tanks on 1 wet/dry

                      I think it's because when you go from one tank on the wet/dry to two tanks, people go from one "noid" to a paranoids.
                      'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust ...'
                      He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four-year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'


                      • #26
                        Re: 2 tanks on 1 wet/dry

                        Maybe ur right PP. It just seams to me that the more people try the more everyone will learn how to do it the right way. Before you know everyone will be having one wet/dry on all their own tanks.
                        Board Member of Houston Aquarium Society
                        Mod OF Marshreef

                        Breeder of Discus, Angels, Bristle nose & Sail fin Mollies
                        Coming soon Daphnia


                        • #27
                          Re: 2 tanks on 1 wet/dry

                          It seems to me that this discussion has drifted ( as they all seem to do) away form the question.  Which as I understand  is, can you have serval tanks on one W/D system.  The answer is YES.  Will it work well, YES.  There is always more than one opionion about how to do something, and they can be all right.  The sharing of info is why I come to this site everday.
                          300 W/C Burundi
                          210 W/C Moba/ Cyrtocara Moorii
                          210 F1 Moba
                          180 W/C Mpimbwe
                          180 F1 Burundi


                          • #28
                            Re: 2 tanks on 1 wet/dry

                            Mike if you need any help with setting one up just let me know.
                            Board Member of Houston Aquarium Society
                            Mod OF Marshreef

                            Breeder of Discus, Angels, Bristle nose & Sail fin Mollies
                            Coming soon Daphnia


                            • #29
                              Re: 2 tanks on 1 wet/dry

                              Thank you, I alwys welcome any help I can get.
                              300 W/C Burundi
                              210 W/C Moba/ Cyrtocara Moorii
                              210 F1 Moba
                              180 W/C Mpimbwe
                              180 F1 Burundi


                              • #30
                                Re: 2 tanks on 1 wet/dry

                                Mike I have a diamond hole saw & drill press to.
                                Board Member of Houston Aquarium Society
                                Mod OF Marshreef

                                Breeder of Discus, Angels, Bristle nose & Sail fin Mollies
                                Coming soon Daphnia

