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  • Obsessed

    Hello, ok i have 4 tanks a 55gal, 100gal, 125gal & a 135gal. I have rocks in 2 & sand in the other 2..... The tanks with rocks are crystal clear but the 2 with sand wont clear..... I have nothing but eheim 2217 filters, so im not new to im trying to get some input or help to get my tanks clear...... Any ideas?
    55 Gallon
    100 Gallon
    125 Gallon
    135 Gallon
    Cichlids, Catfish, Sharks

  • #2
    need more info...
    my fish house:
    2.5g- ramshorn hatchery
    6g eclipse- yellow shrimp, chili rasboras, yellow apple snails
    29g- geo grow-out, angels, 12"fire eel, dwarf frog, apple snails
    45g- jade sleeper gobies, native killifish, feeder endlers

    2 oscars, parrot, silver dollars, albino channel cat, syno euptera, bichir, baby jaguar, convicts, yabby
    125g- fahaka puffer, rainbow shark
    and about a dozen bettas....


    • #3
      Originally posted by allysangels View Post
      need more info...
      I'm sorry. Like what? Trying to post pics
      Attached Files
      55 Gallon
      100 Gallon
      125 Gallon
      135 Gallon
      Cichlids, Catfish, Sharks


      • #4
        Re: Obsessed

        Originally posted by Carkadie View Post
        I'm sorry. Like what? Trying to post pics
        Step number one is to get the tanks right side up...

        J/K! Info like what you have for livestock on the tanks, feeding schedule, water change schedule will help figure things out.


        • #5
          Re: Obsessed

          Also, what are you "obsessed" about? This is not the place to look for a cure for your aquatic addictions


          • #6
            Are your other tanks upside down?...sand gets unsettled that way.
            Kidding, kidding...

            Are the other tanks newly set up? What kind of sand is it, and did you rinse it before putting in, and how much?
            "I think that God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his ability." -Oscar Wilde


            • #7
              Re: Obsessed

              Oh, and how long have the tanks been up and running? How often do you clean filters?


              • #8
                Originally posted by SunnyHouTX View Post
                Step number one is to get the tanks right side up...

                J/K! Info like what you have for livestock on the tanks, feeding schedule, water change schedule will help figure things out.
                Beat me to it! You're the best, Sunny.

                Originally posted by SunnyHouTX View Post
                Also, what are you "obsessed" about? This is not the place to look for a cure for your aquatic addictions
                +1, we'll talk you into more tanks!
                "I think that God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his ability." -Oscar Wilde


                • #9
                  ive been changing water bi weekly,,,,,
                  55 Gallon
                  100 Gallon
                  125 Gallon
                  135 Gallon
                  Cichlids, Catfish, Sharks


                  • #10
                    tanks have been up & running for about 8 months....... i am kind of new to the sand,,,,,, i have pool sand in my 125...... petco sand in my 100
                    55 Gallon
                    100 Gallon
                    125 Gallon
                    135 Gallon
                    Cichlids, Catfish, Sharks


                    • #11
                      the petco sand is semi clear & the pool sand is cloudy.........
                      55 Gallon
                      100 Gallon
                      125 Gallon
                      135 Gallon
                      Cichlids, Catfish, Sharks


                      • #12
                        Re: Obsessed

                        How much water gets removed each water change? What about feeding?


                        • #13
                          cleaned filters last weekend......
                          55 Gallon
                          100 Gallon
                          125 Gallon
                          135 Gallon
                          Cichlids, Catfish, Sharks


                          • #14
                            about 3 quarters of water removed..........feeding once a day
                            55 Gallon
                            100 Gallon
                            125 Gallon
                            135 Gallon
                            Cichlids, Catfish, Sharks


                            • #15
                              the petco sand does better then the pool filter sand........
                              55 Gallon
                              100 Gallon
                              125 Gallon
                              135 Gallon
                              Cichlids, Catfish, Sharks

