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cobraden's 110 freshwater build

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  • cobraden's 110 freshwater build

    Well a few of you may have noticed me asking a few questions over the last couple months. My reef tank is at a good "wait and let it grow" point and it was time to start the next project. I have been trying to decide the direction I was going to take with my next project tank. At this point, I have decided to make it a freshwater tank and 90% sure it will be designed with a few plants and discus in mind.

    The tank is a 5' 110 tank that I had previously built into the wall. I moved away and came back and decided I wanted to change it up. I am really bad about remembering to take pictures before start a project so we will have to start the pictures after I removed the facing of the cabinet work that I had done a few years back. Let's just say you aren't missing much.

    To help me give the old set up a face lift, I enlisted the help of the guys at Mapleridge Custom Homes ( to give me a hand. It's owned by my friend and fellow aquarium hobbiest Jim and he liked the ideas I had. If anyone needs any custom cabinet work or aquariums stands, his guys do fantastic work.

    This is what the set up looked like after I removed the face

    Jim sent his carpenter over and after looking at my handy work, it was clear he didn't like any of it. Even though I told him it had held the aquarium well for years he said it had to go. So we tore it out.

    After the tear out it was time for me to get out of the way and let the man do what he does and this is what we have so far.

    the two pieces you see on the back of the couch fit on either side of the tank so that when installed all you see is the front pane of glass.

    Now this is the part where the progress slows down since I elected to seal the inside of the cabinet and stain the outside myself. What would have taken them a few hrs will probably take me a couple weeks. But, it's no fun for me if I don't get my hands dirty too.

    All and all, I am very happy with the work they did on the cabinets and I should have no problem with access to the tank for maintenance. It looks great and it's functional.

    I will continue to add to this post as i did for my "Cobraden's 150 build" post.

    As I proceed, I will update you guys on the chosen equipment and the progress. So far it looks like I am going to use black sand and a 30"x 16" PM wet dry. The pump has not been decided and neither has the lighting. I may add a co2 set up but I'm not sure if the wet dry will defeat the purpose of the co2 system. I will do a little more research on that.

    Feel free to speak up if you see me about to really screw something up. I love the input from others as it always keeps me thinking. To me that is part of the fun of the hobby.

  • #2
    Looks great but how is the stand attached in the 3rd pic it looks free floating with no support beams


    • #3

      You are correct, it the 3rd pic the supports were not in place. You will notice on the last few pics with the doors open that they have been added. It's also screwed to the studs all the way around. It's plenty strong.


      • #4
        It does look good. I like the line in the doors. That make them look smaller.
        How offten does the house door get used? Also the dead space above the top. you should have them make a matching panal to cover that.
        It will look great stained and finished.
        Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


        • #5
          Thanks Troy!

          The interior 2 doors will get the main use. The full door system will only be opened for maintenance purposes.

          As for the space up top, that is a shelf for various awards/trophies/nic nacks. It is also vented in the back to allow heat from any lighting I decide to use to escape.


          • #6
            Was asking about the door going outside of you home that opens in front of the tank. I have herd discus don't like high traffic areas? also can that door bump the tank?
            Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


            • #7
              The door had a door stop to prevent it from touching the cabinets. The tank has been in the same location for a few years now so it's worked well. I also had them build the stand a little higher this time just for a measure of safety should the door stop fail.

              That particular door isn't a high traffic area so we will see if it ends up presenting an issue. I talked to the guys over on Murphy and they didn't think it would be an issue.


              • #8
                Well here's a little update. Due to some unexpected projects and delays, I had to put finishing this tank on hold until today. One big pain was that I tried using a pigmented poly to stain the doors and hated the look. So I had to sand the suckers down and restain using a regular rub on stain and then a light poly coat. Took me a while to really want to do that. Kind of a pain.

                Anyway, the plants that I ordered arrived yesterday and I put things together today. I still have to pick up some val here locally if it's still available for the right hand corner, but other than that, the tank has all the plants in it that I want. Now to let them grow in.

                Plants I added are:

                Cardinal Lobelia Cardinalis, Red Crypt Windtii, Crypt lutea, Anubias Nana, Anubias Barteri, Wrinkle Leaf Anubias Nana, Amazon Swords,Bronze Crypt Wendtii and Broad Leaf Anubias

                I also added 5 o-cats to take care of any algae that may want to start growing as I get this thing off the ground.

                Here are a couple pictures:

                Daytime pic, has a little glare from the patio door

                Night time pic


                • #9
                  cobraden's 110 freshwater build

                  It truly looks beautiful. Great craftsmanship. Thanks for sharing! Keep us posted, and maybe some close ups of the plants?
                  All bleeding stops eventually...


                  • #10
                    It does look great!
                    Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


                    • #11
                      It came out great. Good job.


                      • #12
                        Scape looks great.... Good job with it also loke the color stain you used real nice


                        • #13
                          Looks great
                          Resident fish bum
                          330G FOWLR
                          34G Reef
                          330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                          28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                          Treasurer, GHAC


                          • #14
                            Here is a picture of the tank with a few new residents. I added 10 Rummy nose, and 20 Cardinal tetras yesterday. They all seem to be doing great so far. I plan to add at least 40 more rummy nose and 40 more cardinals in the coming weeks .

