i need some ideas on medium sized rainbow fish species to add to my 55g rainbow tank.
right now the stocklist is :
1x G. pindare 'parnaibai'
1x boesmani rainbow : male
3x furcata rainbows 1m:2f
3x signifer rainbows 1m:2f
3x gertrudae rainbows ?:?
1x male red irian rainbow
2x australian rainbows 1m:1f
7 misc. cories
3x farlowella acus
4 misc bristlenose plecos.
im looking for taller bodied colorful medium growing rainbows, like 3"-5" range.
thanks in advance for any suggestions.
im an overstocker, and filtration is far beyond up to par, so dont worry about what species or water requirments. thanks again.
right now the stocklist is :
1x G. pindare 'parnaibai'
1x boesmani rainbow : male
3x furcata rainbows 1m:2f
3x signifer rainbows 1m:2f
3x gertrudae rainbows ?:?
1x male red irian rainbow
2x australian rainbows 1m:1f
7 misc. cories
3x farlowella acus
4 misc bristlenose plecos.
im looking for taller bodied colorful medium growing rainbows, like 3"-5" range.
thanks in advance for any suggestions.
im an overstocker, and filtration is far beyond up to par, so dont worry about what species or water requirments. thanks again.