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Freshwater angelfish

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  • Freshwater angelfish

    Need help keeping angel fish, no luck so far. I have a eclipse 30 gal. Put 10 in the tank with 2 gorami (spelling)

  • #2
    Angel fish get big and can be very aggressive. The tank your are using is to small for 10 angels. A 30g tank is only big enough for 2 and maybe 3. In a small space the Dom. will kill all or most of the others.
    Question: How long have you been keeping fish? What are you using as a filter? & Hows your Water?
    Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


    • #3
      Water tested to be in par, water change every 2 weeks with tap n de chrol. i got a eclipse all in one system (built in hob with a bio wheels)....fairly noob at keeping fish


      • #4
        The absolute minimum size tank i would try to keep angels in is a 40 breeder, and then no more than 3-4. Angels can be very tricky, and especially those bought from your local LFS instead of a quality breeder.


        • #5
          +1 Troy

          10 Angelfish in a 30 gallon is certainly heavily stocked. Perhaps small ones to grow out and once they start pairing either sell or remove the others. It sounds like a good water change schedule, but in a heavily stocked tank that is acting like a grow out, I'd step it up to once a week or more. Parameters should be 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrites, and I would personally try and achieve a less then 10 Nitrate on that specific tank. Angels can 'tolerate' more, but it can restrict growth and at higher numbers contribute to hole in the head and other debilitating conditions produced from excessive Nitrate levels. Feeding rich food often can spike Nitrates quickly in fry tanks, thus many breeders use daily water changes to produce the best results and largest growth.

          Angels can be very aggressive, especially when they reach adulthood and begin to breed. I'd recommend nothing in their tank with them, though some loricards can be used and 'possibly' ignored. There are far more experianced angelfish gurus on here with more accurate info on spawning and behavior issues. My advice is just what I have seen from most angelfish/discus/cichlid breeders.
          In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
          Desiderius Erasmus
          GHAC President

