So this is from what i can remember as my very fist fish i ever had and the funny/sad tale that goes along with it.
So im about Six or Seven years old and my grandma get me what i can remember as my very first pet fish. At the time i loved the color blue. So she bought me a lil plastic container, the ones that are all clear and have the handle and opening. Of coarse its blue! Along with some blue gravel,and a single blue plant in the very center. And the you guys can probably guess, A blue beta. This lil tank sat on my dresser in my room and i fed it everyday. Lol, so heres where it gets funny. Im lil i dont know any better, but every day i would reach my lil kid hand in scoop up blue fish and put it in my hand for a few minutes or so and very gently pet it on the side. "Sure everyone is laughing at me now" thanks. But i didnt know, but i used to do this every day for months until one day!
When i was petting lil blue fish and he suddenly jumped out of my hand and landed some where on the floor. Well this was an old house and sad to say there was a dark brown sorta shag type carpet in my room. I got down and looked and looked but couldn't find poor lil blue fish on the floor! I was sad, it was his dinner time. I remember not being able to find him. After a few minutes, and then went out side to go play with my Tonka trucks in the dirt hole out back.
Lil blue fish lasted many months tho !
So with that shared, does anybody else has a funny first fish tale ?
So im about Six or Seven years old and my grandma get me what i can remember as my very first pet fish. At the time i loved the color blue. So she bought me a lil plastic container, the ones that are all clear and have the handle and opening. Of coarse its blue! Along with some blue gravel,and a single blue plant in the very center. And the you guys can probably guess, A blue beta. This lil tank sat on my dresser in my room and i fed it everyday. Lol, so heres where it gets funny. Im lil i dont know any better, but every day i would reach my lil kid hand in scoop up blue fish and put it in my hand for a few minutes or so and very gently pet it on the side. "Sure everyone is laughing at me now" thanks. But i didnt know, but i used to do this every day for months until one day!
When i was petting lil blue fish and he suddenly jumped out of my hand and landed some where on the floor. Well this was an old house and sad to say there was a dark brown sorta shag type carpet in my room. I got down and looked and looked but couldn't find poor lil blue fish on the floor! I was sad, it was his dinner time. I remember not being able to find him. After a few minutes, and then went out side to go play with my Tonka trucks in the dirt hole out back.
Lil blue fish lasted many months tho !
So with that shared, does anybody else has a funny first fish tale ?