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New to the hobby.. Tank Stocking Suggestions.?

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  • New to the hobby.. Tank Stocking Suggestions.?

    While I'm waiting on my tank to be delivered.. I'm going with a 75 gallon.

    I saw this fish tank stocking calculator..

    What do think about the results. ?

    I plugged in the fish I wanted.. I'm trying to get a nice community with schooling fish and some big colorful guys..

    What do you think? Input?

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  • #2
    What kind of filtration do you have? I'm sure you can add more fish than that if you keep up on filtration and water changes.

    One clown loach would be a sad and lonely one.


    • #3
      Thinking of going with an ehim 600..

      So more clown loaches? Yeah they seem pretty cool.. Good color too .

      Heard they get big though..

      What do you think about a betta fitting in there..?

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      • #4
        Yes you can stock more than that!
        75g Tank,
        2- Wild Scalare Angel 2-wild Angel snakeskin, 2-half blue half black Angels, 5-Guianacara Geayi, 4- Blue Rams(1m/3f), 1- L144, 1- Pleco unknown type 1-Blue Neon Goby
        2.5g Mini Monter - Shrimp Tank
        10-RCS, 1-Red Sakura 5-Malawa, 8-Boraras Brigittie, 1-Adonis Pleco, 1-Zebra Nerite, 1-Horned Nerite
        10g Tank
        Hospital 2-F. Endlers

        2-29g Empty Tank, 20L Empty Tank , 125g Empty Tank[SIGPIC]sigpic


        • #5
          Stocking not only depends on your tank size but your filtration as well. Just based on tank size without considering filtration, I'd say you're about 40-50% in terms of stocking with a limit of about 4-5 more angels.

          You can definitely stock more neon tetras. I'd suggest green neon tetras as they're much more colorful than reg neon tetras.

          Depends on the betta. Most of the fancy bettas won't be compatible with the angels as they're slow. Plakats and wild bettas will work. I'd ditch the clown loach idea unless you really want them. They create a good amount of waste and they tend to do better in groups. They get big, but it takes them several years to even reach 10".

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          Last edited by mistahoo; 06-06-2013, 10:18 PM.


          • #6
            Really nice danios pearls or leaopards even giants. Also rainbowfish like bosemani. Or cherry barbs very active bright and Hardy
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            • #7
              My 75g has about 150 fish in it.
              Your tank, with the list you gave would be a little under stocked.
              IMO: Neons of any type you need at least 30. the swordtail you can leave out. The Clowns will get big but it will years to out grow the tank 6 clown loachs. they will swim and school together. As for Angel Fish. I you know you have all male or all females you can put 5 in the tank, But if it is mixed female and male. The angels will pair up and start killing the others. So 2 is a better number. If they are M&F they will spawn. Pleco's, corys, oto's, or maybe small geophagus as the bottom cleaners. just my 2 cents...
              Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


              • #8
                Originally posted by troy tucker View Post
                My 75g has about 150 fish in it.
                Your tank, with the list you gave would be a little under stocked.
                IMO: Neons of any type you need at least 30. the swordtail you can leave out. The Clowns will get big but it will years to out grow the tank 6 clown loachs. they will swim and school together. As for Angel Fish. I you know you have all male or all females you can put 5 in the tank, But if it is mixed female and male. The angels will pair up and start killing the others. So 2 is a better number. If they are M&F they will spawn. Pleco's, corys, oto's, or maybe small geophagus as the bottom cleaners. just my 2 cents...
                Thanks... Yeah I just finished reading that an odd number of anglefish won't work..that well..

                So you have 150 fish? What kind and numbers? How many water changes a week?

                Any pics?

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                • #9
                  There are lots of Picture and Video.
                  It has 4 BN pleco's 1 L183 2 adult Geophagus Brasiliensi and some where around 150 fry. all about an inch. they get 50% water changes ones a week and feed three times a day. I know a little about angels too.
                  Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


                  • #10
                    If you had to look up fish stocking, I'm going to assume you're fairly new to the hobby. While having 150 fish or even 300 fish in a 75 gallon tank is doable, I wouldn't recommend it for a beginner. Maybe about 20-30 tetras, 10-20 corydoras or small catfish/plecos (make sure to research if they get big or not), and then your angels. Which will put you at about 30-50 fish and seems more rational to start off but still pretty stocked.

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                    • #11
                      Yes, i agree with mist. I have 6 angels, and i was lucky they get along. All of them had been in the same tank prior to my purschase so that help. And i was lucky they became 3 pairs. They dont bug my bottom fish and bottom doesnt mess with he top.
                      75g Tank,
                      2- Wild Scalare Angel 2-wild Angel snakeskin, 2-half blue half black Angels, 5-Guianacara Geayi, 4- Blue Rams(1m/3f), 1- L144, 1- Pleco unknown type 1-Blue Neon Goby
                      2.5g Mini Monter - Shrimp Tank
                      10-RCS, 1-Red Sakura 5-Malawa, 8-Boraras Brigittie, 1-Adonis Pleco, 1-Zebra Nerite, 1-Horned Nerite
                      10g Tank
                      Hospital 2-F. Endlers

                      2-29g Empty Tank, 20L Empty Tank , 125g Empty Tank[SIGPIC]sigpic


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by mistahoo View Post
                        If you had to look up fish stocking, I'm going to assume you're fairly new to the hobby. While having 150 fish or even 300 fish in a 75 gallon tank is doable, I wouldn't recommend it for a beginner. Maybe about 20-30 tetras, 10-20 corydoras or small catfish/plecos (make sure to research if they get big or not), and then your angels. Which will put you at about 30-50 fish and seems more rational to start off but still pretty stocked.

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                        Yeah, new to the hobby sums me up..

                        Thanks for the feedback.

                        I did some more research and I've updated my stocking.

                        Thinking of going with two angelfish, 10 neon tetras, 4 corys, 7 bosemati rainbow and 6 red rainbows..

                        What do think? So the calculator says I'm 103% stock.. Any worries?

                        I heard from my lfs that the corys should go in first.. Any thoughts on the rest of order?


                        Just got the tank delivered.. Still has a silicone smell to it

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                        • #13
                          As far as the Clown Loaches they do better in groups, I would get at least 5 never keep just two. They are very social so get at least 5 - 7 to have a nice school, you will be able to see how they interact with one another 5 - 7 is a great size group for that tank.



                          • #14
                            Yeeaahhh rainbowfish!! Tanks going to look amazing though keep us updated! As for stocking order they probably suggested that because the Cory's are the most resilient and are also peaceful. And I think the rule is to first include peaceful then last the aggressive also the angels can be more sensative just make sure your biological cycle is good and you should be fine!

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                            • #15
                              I've updated my stocking.

                              Thinking of going with two angelfish, 10 neon tetras, 4 corys, 7 bosemati rainbow and 6 red rainbows..

                              What do think?
                              I think its going to look great!
                              Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...

