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New to the hobby.. Tank Stocking Suggestions.?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by mr504 View Post
    Yeah, new to the hobby sums me up..

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I did some more research and I've updated my stocking.

    Thinking of going with two angelfish, 10 neon tetras, 4 corys, 7 bosemati rainbow and 6 red rainbows..

    What do think? So the calculator says I'm 103% stock.. Any worries?

    I heard from my lfs that the corys should go in first.. Any thoughts on the rest of order?


    Just got the tank delivered.. Still has a silicone smell to it

    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
    103% seems a bit unlikely to me. I'd say you're about 40%, but your current list looks good. There shouldn't be any problems. Maybe 10 corys instead of 4 since they're bottom dwellers and the rest if your fish aren't? Tim (armthehomeless) has signifier rainbows. They look very nice and you could add more in place of the boesemani. Probably about 15 of them. There's also celebes rainbows that are amazing.

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    • #17
      How do we feel about the one gallon for every inch of full grown fish rule?

      Sent from my TARDIS using Xparent Green Taptalk


      • #18
        Originally posted by CharlesTheG View Post
        How do we feel about the one gallon for every inch of full grown fish rule?

        Sent from my TARDIS using Xparent Green Taptalk
        Definitely against even bringing it up. That rule would work with full grown little fish, but a 20" gar in a 20gal? He'd barely be able to swim forward a little and then back up a little.

        Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.


        • #19
          doesn't reallly work for me.
          Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


          • #20
            Yeah I agree just wanted to see what the consensus was you guys

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            • #21
              Thanks for the feedback ..

              You guys got any suggestions on the best / quickest way to cycle a tank in an area with bad tap water?

              My lfs tested it. Said the nitrites were sky high and the ammonia was high as well.

              Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


              • #22
                If you want you could just add some bacteria like the quick start or the tetra one I forgot the name. Since its expensive Id say to just get the small bottle usually a few bucks or even the 99cent sample although I wouldn't trust it to immediately add fish but the fact that you already have ammonia and nitrates means you already have the perfect storm for the cycling process. Adding anything else will just I guess give you more cushion and might speed up the process. However since they are so high it would be smart to test it every couple days or once a week depending how long your willing to wait. Also some considerable amount of water change might be in order!


                • #23
                  Seachem stability. Works like magic. You have to keep dosing for a week though.

                  Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.


                  • #24
                    If you can find some one to give you some old media out of their filter would be the best way. An old filter pad is full of good bacteria. So you can use it to jump start the cycle. Some call it instint cycle and it does work.
                    Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


                    • #25
                      Thanks for the feedback..

                      I finally got the tank setup. Filled with water etc.

                      The lfs sold me some seachem. I've the started dousing And I threw in one Anacharis plant.

                      Got to get a test kit, check my levels.. Maybe get some corys next week or so..


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                      • #26
                        So I've been dosing with the seachem.. I haven't had a chance to get the test kit.

                        Should I do a water change? If so how much of a change?

                        Do you think that would help me towards cycling in the long run?


                        Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by troy tucker View Post
                          If you can find some one to give you some old media out of their filter would be the best way. An old filter pad is full of good bacteria. So you can use it to jump start the cycle. Some call it instint cycle and it does work.
                          Good idea. I may ask the lfs for some.. That eheim wasn't too cheap.. So let's see if they support a local fish owner lol

                          Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


                          • #28
                            Have you added any fish?
                            If you have been dosing the tank as instructions said. It should be ready.
                            when you start a tank cycle. the water will turn clowdy. ones it clears up it should be cycled and ready to go...
                            Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


                            • #29
                              I'm sure everyone already gave their input, but here is mine.
                              Ditch the clown loaches, they need to be in big group and huge waste producers. Keep 2 angel instead of 3 to avoid bullying. 15-20 Neon to be able to observe their schooling behavior. Forget the sword tail, in my experience, some sword tail get smoochy and will suck on slow and big fish. Invest in a 2217 eheim and you can forget about replacing filter for decade.
                              For a 75 gallons like yours I would stock:
                              2 angels
                              15-20 neon tetras
                              a pair of blue rams.
                              a school of rainbow of any type 7-10. Check Armthehomeless (Tim) for some nice Rainbow selection.
                              If you wants cories, get sand substrate for them.
                              and a BN pleco.
                              Some snails to dig around the sand like assassin snails, ramshorn, mts. etc...

                              Last but not least =d plants some bushes in the background and around the filter intake. They are beautiful and plants provide extra filtration for your tank. People who keeps heavily planted tank now how powerful plants are in filtration. They also provide hiding place for your fish, and make them exhibit their more of their natural behavior.
                              I have the patience of a goldfish....


                              • #30
                                btw, I bet you are using Aqadvisor for your stocking. I say use it as a reference rather than anything. Aqadvisor tends to be very conservative in term of stocking level. It is useful for beginners as it kinds of "scare" people from having nearly full to fully stocked tank. If you have more plants, high filtration system and good water change schedule you won't have any problem. And buy Seachem Prime to treat your tap water. If you decide to have driftwood as decoration, also buy purigen.
                                I have the patience of a goldfish....

