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The Blue Eye Group

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  • #16
    Originally posted by suicune View Post
    you mean the longfin blue eye? that's what I have same as Dawn's. She was the one that told me about Mike =)
    You said you got a longfin albino bristlenose. I'm looking for the Longfin L144. L144 has blue eyes. I know who Mike is. He's been on the box for a while. I actually meant to take a trip out to his place a while back, but never had the time to drive that far, so I opted to pick up the same REG L144 that Mike has but from Tim who's right by my workplace.

    Originally posted by suicune View Post
    really? He's probably out then. I just got some Longfin albino from him like 2 weeks ago. He's also breeding Longfin Calico nice one too.
    On another note, I posted up a FTS on the OP for you Thai... camera phone quality though. It's nothing spectacular. Just simple with consideration for breeding the plecos (bamboo caves and cholla wood) and the rainbows (hornwort for spawning).
    Last edited by mistahoo; 06-13-2013, 03:28 PM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by mistahoo View Post
      Bamboo. I'm Asian foo. I chopped up the bamboo in my backyard and then I burnt it in the oven.
      lol blonde moment I guess that's how u do it . There perfect for loaches


      • #18
        Lmao I have a bunch of bamboo that I was actually thinking of chopping up and tossing in there. You can find them on Ebay. Search for black bamboo.

        Loaches don't have blue eyes. They can't join the group. Lampeyes are on the list to be added.


        • #19
          Idea has been scrapped. Stay tuned for the updates to come!

          Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.

