Since I was forced to downsize by my apartment complex, a couple of makeovers were performed.
The first is the 55 gallon tank which now features fish that I had in smaller tanks. Tim Bell was kind enough to lend his artistic skills here.

The second is a 50 gallon tank that previously housed several bichirs is now the home of Axor the Axolotl and albino bristle-nosed plecos.

Hopefully my apartment manager does not give me a hard time about the remaining 5 tanks.
I have items for sale, BTW.
The first is the 55 gallon tank which now features fish that I had in smaller tanks. Tim Bell was kind enough to lend his artistic skills here.

The second is a 50 gallon tank that previously housed several bichirs is now the home of Axor the Axolotl and albino bristle-nosed plecos.

Hopefully my apartment manager does not give me a hard time about the remaining 5 tanks.
I have items for sale, BTW.