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Need help stocking my tank

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  • Need help stocking my tank

    I have a 6ft long 140 gal tank that currently houses 6 tiger barbs, 4 clown loaches, 1 shortbody green terror, 1 redtail shark and a rhino pleco.

    Need help with ideas for the rest of community.


  • #2
    You could go the route of cichlids of go with community fish but those barbs and green terror don't mix well in the long run


    • #3
      Hmm a bunch of electric blue rams would be pretty sweet depending on your set up... inline with Ballinxalex's idea...


      • #4
        green terror will be fine. They're not very aggressive. The barbs can get aggressive though. They'll nip at fins, stress other fish, etc.


        • #5
          if you're gonna go with tiger barbs. do a really big group or none at all... I've seen enough tiger barbs tanks. High number of tiger barbs reduce their nipping problems.
          I have the patience of a goldfish....


          • #6
            Originally posted by suicune View Post
            if you're gonna go with tiger barbs. do a really big group or none at all... I've seen enough tiger barbs tanks. High number of tiger barbs reduce their nipping problems.
            I started with 10 and 1 went crazy and ended up killing 4 of them. Made me real worried about adding other fish because of how the alpha behaved but since I've added the other fish it's like they don't know what to do anymore. They follow or swim out of the way of the terror. It was a relief that they turned out the opposite of how they behaved alone.


            • #7
              I read that you'd need about 15 - 20 + to reduce such behavior.
              I have the patience of a goldfish....


              • #8
                the red tail shark is semi aggressive. How big are your barbs? I have a Geo. that would fit in.
                Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by suicune View Post
                  I read that you'd need about 15 - 20 + to reduce such behavior.
                  20+ is a safe number. When I was at the store there was a group of 10 and one was terrorizing the rest lmao. I have 30 in my sump and they're doing fine.


                  • #10
                    Well I did try and give them away but couldn't find a taker. The fish gallery told me to get some severums while I was getting the terror.

                    The barbs are prolly about an inch to an inch and a half

                    What is a geo?


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by frusterdated View Post
                        Well I did try and give them away but couldn't find a taker. The fish gallery told me to get some severums while I was getting the terror.

                        The barbs are prolly about an inch to an inch and a half

                        What is a geo?
                        I'd take them if you were closer. Maybe if I'm ever on your side of town or if you ever drive up to the NW side (77088) or near Fish Gallery. Could trade for anything in my For Sale threads (root tabs, lights, otterbox for iphone5, etc).

                        Geophagus. It's a different type of fish. Known as "Earth Eaters" as their scientific name suggests, they constantly sift through sand to find food. Careful with which ones you pick out. Some get very large like Altifrons.

                        Severums would work with the Green Terror. They have quite a number of colors and patterns to choose from. Some of them can be cheap, while nicer colors and patterns will go for much more.
                        Last edited by mistahoo; 07-08-2013, 07:51 PM.


                        • #13
                          dont you need like a really big tank for 30 tiger barbs... that's like a full 60g
                          I have the patience of a goldfish....


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by suicune View Post
                            dont you need like a really big tank for 30 tiger barbs... that's like a full 60g
                            Not really. I have them in a 50gal, they're fine. Footprint is what matters more than tank volume. It's a temporary grow out tank. They usually stick to the school and chill in a corner. When I feed them, they go everywhere, but other than that, I'd say they normally occupy about 10% of the space. When they're big enough, they're going in the display.


                            • #15
                              Geophagus is greek for earth eater. The one I'm trying to get rid of is a redhump eartheater. Its full grown and 6". Most Geo's are very peaceful. Redhumps are semi aggressive alone. But mated can be very aggressive. With your barbs being kinda small he may not fit. Tiger barbs get 3". Rams would be to small don't think they would get along. Severum are big fish. Some reaching 12" eazy. But are very pretty. Guianacara or Brasiliensis may work.
                              Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...

