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Tanked :/

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  • Tanked :/

    Ahh I love this show because its about the hobby and I think it's awesome I just saw the most recent episode. And although I know minimal in reef tanks but I feel I'm at least a freshwater connoisseur to some extent. xD And from the first episode I saw although its reef I still see that they don't do a natural cycling process and seemed crowded. Well I've seen several seasons now and crazy tanks and they've done a few freshwater ones too like the most recent one was a 65 gal with at least at least 30 different Africans with no decorations but a cylinder. I get they do it for the money but I can't be the only one that this irks right?

  • #2
    I'm sure they pre. cycle everything.
    Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


    • #3
      That's nothing. At one point, I had 80 - 90 in a 125, of course backed up with proper filtration and water changes. Was a beautiful tank.


      • #4
        If you like Tanked, Fish Tank Kings is way better imho check it out.


        • #5
          Originally posted by KhmerStyle View Post
          If you like Tanked, Fish Tank Kings is way better imho check it out.
          What station is Fish Tank Kings? I have never seen it, but I watch Tanked whenever I see it.

          CharlesTheG - Most of the tanks look crowded, but I am sure they have proper hidden filtration (never really show that part of the installs). I would bet a lot of their clients dont maintain the tank themselves anyway and all precautions are taken.


          • #6
            The show is on Natgeo "National Geographic"


            • #7
              On one of my reef forums they were talking about how the show doesn't show the intricacies that go into a proper reef tank (cycle skimmer sump etc). The first season was bad, they showed them stocking the crap out of a reef immediately without telling the viewers that the rock and sand has been precycled for the bio-load. They received a lot of backlash from the hobbies community because of that. Now if you pay attention to what they talk about, they go a little more into what actually takes place. As far as freshwater goes, I don't remember seeing them do too many freshwater tanks. I'm really not a fan of the show so maybe that's why. I think, and this is my opinion, that their "custom" tanks are hideous.
              20g mixed reef


              • #8
                Honestly, I don't like that show. Their builds just reminds me of an unappealing tank you see at a daycare, filled with toys and sorts.

                I like stuff that replicates nature.
                Will trade Fish Stuff for Camera Lens and Anime Figures.


                • #9
                  Yeah I see they try to take all the precautions possible but I still feel kinda bad for the fish. The sumps and uv and filtration all seems state of the art and I'm sure they are the ones that maintain the tank but it sucks that they don't give them like 2 minutes to talk about proper cycling and maintenance and that everything gets dumped in at once damn Hollywood!


                  • #10
                    Charles, don't forget that some fish, like African Cichlids, are better off in a crowded setting which reduces aggression.


                    • #11
                      You got to remember this show is catered to the masses people dont give a darn to hear about filtration and all the jazz hobbyists do. People not that into it will just turn it off because it will be boring and then they will can the show. They have gotten better by mentioning it and some of what they do. I dont think they could go any further into it with out tuning people off. I personally like Tanked better. Fish Tank Kings are a little dorky and especially when they got the biologist. He is very hard to watch personally. Though I do like to see him stumble for words in front of his new intern.
                      Resident fish bum
                      330G FOWLR
                      34G Reef
                      330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                      28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                      Treasurer, GHAC


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Darbex View Post
                        You got to remember this show is catered to the masses people dont give a darn to hear about filtration and all the jazz hobbyists do. People not that into it will just turn it off because it will be boring and then they will can the show. They have gotten better by mentioning it and some of what they do. I dont think they could go any further into it with out tuning people off. I personally like Tanked better. Fish Tank Kings are a little dorky and especially when they got the biologist. He is very hard to watch personally. Though I do like to see him stumble for words in front of his new intern.
                        Well said. The masses want to see "Nemo Fish" and "Dory Fish" swimming around and can care less about how the water stays clear


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Darbex View Post
                          You got to remember this show is catered to the masses people dont give a darn to hear about filtration and all the jazz hobbyists do. People not that into it will just turn it off because it will be boring and then they will can the show. They have gotten better by mentioning it and some of what they do. I dont think they could go any further into it with out tuning people off. I personally like Tanked better. Fish Tank Kings are a little dorky and especially when they got the biologist. He is very hard to watch personally. Though I do like to see him stumble for words in front of his new intern.
                          Is it just me but I can't tand the way those guys talk on Tanked. It's like hearing those guys from the repo show talking. Yea the fish geek can be very annoying but funny also. These guys catch most of these fishes and go a little more into the basics of fish keeping without all the tacky TV tanks


                          • #14
                            The biggest problem I have with the show is now anybody that knows I'm into fish feels obligated to tell me about this new show they watched that I would just love. I don't love it. I got fed up with the personalities after the first 2-3 shows I watched. I would rather spend that time messing with my own tanks. But its not exactly polite to tell them that so I just smile and nod.
                            135 gal Fahaka Puffer
                            150 gal Threadfin Acaras, Angels, Red Spotted Severum, Gold Severum, and a Silver Dollar
                            185 gal Demasoni, Yellow Labs, Venustus, Rustys, Plecos, Clown Loaches, and Sharks


                            • #15
                              I agree beef and yeah sunny but the fact they had like no decoration it would be crazy to see the tank today I know Africans need to be crowded but it a shame they are portraying a "stereotype" that fish keeping is all fun and games. And I will be checking out fish tank kings

