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CanSer Patient needs help!

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  • CanSer Patient needs help!

    Hi guys!

    I am not sure how many of you remember me. But I have been here for over a year now. I am pretty silent on the boards, I just don't have the energy to post. But have been lurking, reading and learning from ya'll since you brought me into your group almost 2 years ago now.

    You all banded together to give a perfect stranger a HUGE gift: My 55 gal freshwater. I was having HORRENDOUS panic attacks that would keep me in bed and scared. This tank has literally pulled me out of a HUGE dark time in my life. It has been the best gift I have ever received. I wish I could give you guys more of me. I've just been SO tired fighting stage 4 breast canSer for 3 years now.

    I need help with my filter. :( I was hospitalized last week for 6 days, came home this weekend and the filter isn't pumping. I am SURE it needs to be cleaned, which I can't do. I have breast canSer that has gone to the bone so bending stooping lifting, is out of the question. I basically got the tank to a state where everybody was symbiotic and let it take care of itself, so it never required cleaning. It's been pretty amazing.

    Is there ANYONE that can come over and clean this filter? It's a canister filter that sits under my tank. I have A LOT of baby Shell Dwellers that are just wonderful. I would be happy to give you a few for your time.

    Please let me know! You can text me if it's easier! I live in Spring, just off 2920 and 45n. THANK YOU!!!

  • #2
    I remember you. How are you? and how are your Angels?
    Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


    • #3
      Originally posted by Yarra View Post
      Hi guys!

      I am not sure how many of you remember me. But I have been here for over a year now. I am pretty silent on the boards, I just don't have the energy to post. But have been lurking, reading and learning from ya'll since you brought me into your group almost 2 years ago now.

      You all banded together to give a perfect stranger a HUGE gift: My 55 gal freshwater. I was having HORRENDOUS panic attacks that would keep me in bed and scared. This tank has literally pulled me out of a HUGE dark time in my life. It has been the best gift I have ever received. I wish I could give you guys more of me. I've just been SO tired fighting stage 4 breast canSer for 3 years now.

      I need help with my filter. :( I was hospitalized last week for 6 days, came home this weekend and the filter isn't pumping. I am SURE it needs to be cleaned, which I can't do. I have breast canSer that has gone to the bone so bending stooping lifting, is out of the question. I basically got the tank to a state where everybody was symbiotic and let it take care of itself, so it never required cleaning. It's been pretty amazing.

      Is there ANYONE that can come over and clean this filter? It's a canister filter that sits under my tank. I have A LOT of baby Shell Dwellers that are just wonderful. I would be happy to give you a few for your time.

      Please let me know! You can text me if it's easier! I live in Spring, just off 2920 and 45n. THANK YOU!!!
      PM me you address & ph# and I will be over about 11 am tomorrow. Or when ever is convenient...John

      Trophs & Petros ONLY


      • #4
        Very kind of you John.

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
        All bleeding stops eventually...


        • #5
          My wife is a breast cancer survivor.

          We will keep you in our prayers.


          Thank you very much for helping.


          • #6
            Originally posted by troy tucker View Post
            I remember you. How are you? and how are your Angels?
            Hi Troy!!

            My beautiful angels!! I lost them about a year after you gave them to me. :( I got a diseased school of cardinals from the fish store on 2920 which wiped out most of my tank. I lost everything but my Shellie's and plecos. My angels were even laying eggs. But the third kept wanting caviar for dinner, so unfortunately none of the eggs ever made it. They were the prettiest angles ever. I felt SO badly that I lost them. They were a beautiful gift and I felt I just FAILED them. :( They had the funniest personalities!! All three were different!

            Now, in addition to my many Shellie's (infant thru adult) and 2 plecos, that survived, I've got; assorted guppies, a lone loach who survived whatever killed his two siblings when I brought them home from petco. a couple corries that have regrown all their fins they lost the moment they moved in, a Chinese Algae Eater and about 8 black neon. It's a hodge podge of little fish. But I love watching the babies! I need to find some more Texas holy rock for the other half of my tank and some shells for all my shell dwellers!! They've taken up to living in the holes of the rock and amongst my neon school!!!! lol

            I would like some bigger fish, but I worry about the babies. I would love a couple lake Malawi pairs and a pair of Rams. :) Someday! I am nervous to put anything else into the tank though!!

            How are you?? How's the angel breeding going??
            Last edited by Yarra; 07-12-2013, 07:51 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by fshfrk View Post
              PM me you address & ph# and I will be over about 11 am tomorrow. Or when ever is convenient...John
              Sent!!! Thank you John!!!


              • #8
                Thank you! I am SOOO happy to hear your wife is a survivor! This disease is hoooorrible. I wouldn't wish it on the worst person on earth. The pain of the bone canSer since it's moved on, fracturing ribs, hips, pelvis, now we found it in my knee and hip which is why I was in the hospital. A WHOLE WEEK in the hospital, just to get PAIN under control. A WEEK at MD ANDERSON, where they know canSer! I just couldn't believe that I was there for that long for pain. I ended up needing two blood transfusions while I was there as well. But I am CONVINCED I will BEAT THIS still. :) I have too much life to live! The hospital trip actually gave me a kick in the pants. I needed to know where I DID NOT WANT to be. So now I am running as fast as I can from that direction, working as hard as I can every day to GET HEALTHY.

                I hope and pray the best for you and your wife!! How long has she been in remission? Remission, disease free....ahhh CURED! What wonderful words!


                • #9
                  She was diagnosed in sept 09.

                  Caught early. Several procedures and 25 rounds of radiation. Still have two years of prescription maintenance and testing left.

                  Your spirit is strong and thats one of the biggest parts of the battle as we learned.


                  • #10
                    Keep up the good deeds and you will get your just rewards. I know personally, you have come to my rescue on several occasions and I thank you.
                    !!!Live for today and not for tomorrow.!!!


                    • #11
                      If more people in this world would treat each other like the folks on this forum, it would be a wonderful world.

                      Yarra, keep your head up, try to remain strong, you obviously have a great support group here :)


                      • #12
                        John and Dave,

                        You guys just ROCK. Thank you SOOOOO very, very much for coming to my rescue yesterday. I know I've already thanked you, but I just have to AGAIN. You absolutely blessed my day and saved lives. I literally do NOT know what I would have done without you guys. And to find out that the canister was blown? I thought it just needed to be cleaned!! Can you give me the name of the man that gave me the filter? And what kind of filter it is? He's the owner of the little fish place on 2920 and Bridgstone right? I'd like to thank him personally.

                        I hope y'all are having a WONDERFUL weekend! The tank looks AMAZING! I have never, ever seen my fish more active. All that oxygen! lol They don't know what to do with it!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Yarra View Post
                          John and Dave,

                          You guys just ROCK. Thank you SOOOOO very, very much for coming to my rescue yesterday. I know I've already thanked you, but I just have to AGAIN. You absolutely blessed my day and saved lives. I literally do NOT know what I would have done without you guys. And to find out that the canister was blown? I thought it just needed to be cleaned!! Can you give me the name of the man that gave me the filter? And what kind of filter it is? He's the owner of the little fish place on 2920 and Bridgstone right? I'd like to thank him personally.

                          I hope y'all are having a WONDERFUL weekend! The tank looks AMAZING! I have never, ever seen my fish more active. All that oxygen! lol They don't know what to do with it!
                          No problem. It's was easy. Alex at Ultimate fish donated the Rena-filstar 3 filter. We need to throw him some business. He came thru BIG TIME! I will bring you a few holey rocks and a check valve for your air pump. Hope & pray you get to feeling better, girl.

                          Trophs & Petros ONLY


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Yarra View Post
                            John and Dave,

                            You guys just ROCK. Thank you SOOOOO very, very much for coming to my rescue yesterday. I know I've already thanked you, but I just have to AGAIN. You absolutely blessed my day and saved lives. I literally do NOT know what I would have done without you guys. And to find out that the canister was blown? I thought it just needed to be cleaned!! Can you give me the name of the man that gave me the filter? And what kind of filter it is? He's the owner of the little fish place on 2920 and Bridgstone right? I'd like to thank him personally.

                            I hope y'all are having a WONDERFUL weekend! The tank looks AMAZING! I have never, ever seen my fish more active. All that oxygen! lol They don't know what to do with it!

                            Sent from Galaxy S3

                            You are so welcome . It was nice meeting you and I hope you feel better real soon . If you need anything. ....let me know .

