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i need some red fish

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  • i need some red fish

    i have a 75 gallon that's full of blue and sliver and earth tone fish, and i was looking for some red fish to add. it's got turquoise rainbows, a moonlightlight grouami, a spotted climbing perch, an angelfish a dragon goby, a brown knifefish, 5 glass cats,a bristle-nose pleco, 2 nerites and an apple snail. anyone have an suggestions?

  • #2
    Post a pic of ur tank


    • #3
      there are some fish with red in them. But I can't think of anything that wont Kill something you have or be killed by something you have...
      You can try kribs...
      Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


      • #4
        You have quite an array of fish in there. I am surprised the knifefish is not bothering the snails seeing that they do eat crustaceans, and if he gets big enough may go after the glass cats. Looks like you need something semi-aggressive, and not getting too large. Some semi-aggressive fish will nip at the feelers of the angel and/or gourami

        Flame grouamis are brightly colored, but very peaceful only getting a few inches. Rosy barbs may work, but you need a school to curb any pesky behavior. Agassizi Cichlids gets a nice flame pattern on fins. Jewel Cichlids are pretty. They can go in semi-aggressive tanks if other fish have already staked out their territory, and you keep them very well fed. They only get more aggressive during spawning. Parrot fish are fairly common now too in stores and have orange/red colors.


        • #5
          Originally posted by troy tucker View Post
          there are some fish with red in them. But I can't think of anything that wont Kill something you have or be killed by something you have...
          You can try kribs...
          I agree it is a tough match...could go either way with anything I mentioned. There would be conflicts.


          • #6
            parrot fish would work.
            Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


            • #7
              Rose line shark
              5 gal baby hecqui grow out
              7 gal baby compressicps
              14 bio cube fry tank, multies-orange leleupi-telmatochromis
              4 tank rack- 30 cubes. Shellies, mulities-brevis-telmatochromis-caudopunctaus
              100 gal mixed community tank
              125 Tropheus black bembas

              Tanngankia cichlids what else


              • #8
                Bolivian ram
                5 gal baby hecqui grow out
                7 gal baby compressicps
                14 bio cube fry tank, multies-orange leleupi-telmatochromis
                4 tank rack- 30 cubes. Shellies, mulities-brevis-telmatochromis-caudopunctaus
                100 gal mixed community tank
                125 Tropheus black bembas

                Tanngankia cichlids what else


                • #9
                  There are awesome red rainbowfish out there


                  • #10
                    thanks guys, i'll post a picture of the tank as soon as i find a working decent camera the knife for some reason isn't very big and stopped growing at like 5 or 6 inches. i've had him for going on 4 years now and he's lived in a 55 and now 75, also he's pretty laid back. he differently came up and checked them out when they first went in though. kribs might have some trouble in my tank since although i have 4 caves the knife,goby and BS love them dearly. agassizi's will probably work, bolivans sound nice but i need something redder. i saw red rainbows one time and they were like 35 bucks a pair so anyone know where i can find them for cheaper? i don't like parrotfish much they look so awkward and can be randomly mean. i wanted to get some flame gouramis but i'm worried the moonlight will attack them, he gets so MEAN around feeding time and is like 4-5 in long. the roseline sharks sound like a great idea though, i forgot about them i just need to save up for them. i love jewel cichlidsbut you think they'll get along with the others? the rainbows are super fast so aggression from anyone in the tank doesn't phase them and i've seen the others fight back if messed with but the tank is filled with tall (fake) plants and driftwood so would they be able to find suitable territory?


                    • #11
                      Irian Rainbow Fish">

                      Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
                      Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
                      Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
                      Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Tlaloc View Post
                        the knife for some reason isn't very big and stopped growing at like 5 or 6 inches. i've had him for going on 4 years now and he's lived in a 55 and now 75.....i have 4 caves the knife,goby and BS love them dearly....i saw red rainbows one time and they were like 35 bucks a pair so anyone know where i can find them for cheaper?....i wanted to get some flame gouramis but i'm worried the moonlight will attack them....the roseline sharks sound like a great idea though....i love jewel cichlids but you think they'll get along with the others? the rainbows are super fast so aggression from anyone in the tank doesn't phase them and i've seen the others fight back if messed with but the tank is filled with tall (fake) plants and driftwood so would they be able to find suitable territory?
                        if you are already worried the flame gouramis would be attacked, then dont get them. you know the behaviors the fish and flames wont fight back at all (and arent particularly fast). you can probably special order red rainbows from stores or just shop around. tim (armthehomeless) may be able to order them for you if you get in touch with him. otherwise many people recommend xtreme for more oddball fish and cichlids you dont normally see in stores. i am meaning to check that store out.

                        the brown knife can get up to 12", but the minimum tank is a 40+...if he was started in a 55gal growth could have been slowed. or could just be small for the species. if you go the cichlid route, you may want to build up more caves if you are worried there wont be enough territories. generally if cichlids cannot find a territory of their own there are two options: they evict the current owner of a cave (i.e. chase them out or beat them up)....or they cannot find a spot and are being constantly chased around the tank. depends how aggressive the current residents are in defending, but the more hiding places the better. i have never kept jewels with gouramis or gobys (only other cichlids), but you said this moonlight is fairly aggressive so an adult would be safer. if the jewel is being picked on he wont develop that deep red color

                        Everything i mentioned could go either way honestly. just have to keep a close eye on whatever is introduced and watch for nipped fins, scales, or if they are not fitting into the environment (new fish getting harassed or is harassing your current fish).

                        check with the store before purchase and see if they would take the fish back as an exchange should it not work.

