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Standard tank or reef ready

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  • Standard tank or reef ready

    Looking to get a 200(ish) gallon tank at my house but can't decide whether or not to get reef ready again. I have a 200 RR at my store and I like the clean look of the RR, but I worry that a bulk head will break and dump 20+ gallons of water on to my flloor. I've had some minor issues at my store but some of that could be from my inexperience with RR tanks. Just curious what others experience is with RR tanks and whether you prefer RR or standard tanks.

  • #2
    I prefer reef ready over the standard tanks bc of the clean look


    • #3
      Drilled and RR is the cleanest way to go, my preference.


      • #4
        +1 with RR


        • #5
          Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


          • #6
            Definitely reef ready... If you're worried about a bulkhead cracking and leaking small quantities of water... Imagine a utube overflow losing siphon (which will happen 100 times before one single bulkhead will crack), your tank overflowing and dumping gallons of water in the same place.
            If a bulkhead cracks, most likely you'll end up with a "slow" leak, ie it will drip from the crack... If a utube fails... You'll end up with a situation whereby your leak will be determined by the size of your return pump. So if the bulkhead cracks, you'll end up with maybe a gallon an hour dripping out of your tank, if the utube fails, you'll likely have anywhere from 500-1500 gallons dumped out depending on your water levels and the size of the pump.
            TlR... reef ready is waaay safer than hob overflows, so do the reef ready!

            Sent from my LG-P769 using Tapatalk 2

