Was thinking at work that I should post this then when I got home, Obed did his someup.weird. Well I got into the hobby 8 years ago because of my brother working at petco. He got me my first fish tank that was 10 gallons. I picked out 1 tiger barb and 1 albino barb. The 1 tiger barb was my favorite fish of all time because it got sliced bad(guts hanging out) by a crawfish(I killed that day). I quarantined the barb, spending all my time watching over it. It ended up living for a couple more years. Forgot what happened to the albino, although 1 time after I finished siphoning the gravel it went missing! Found it alive outside where I dumped my water :doh: . Well I was 14 then. Now i'm 22 and currently have  8 29g tanks that i'm setting up this month, 10g saltwater with 2 damsels,  29g with 2 small spotted puffers and 1 12" pleco. Pleco is there temporarely while I setup another tank which is my 135g that i'm working on. Fish feel like part of the family to me. Didn't really realize until my Oscar that I had for 7years die. Felt depressed for days. Ok, I need to stop acting like a wuss,lol. Well I put in a little story, hopefully ya'll will do the same.
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The start of our fish addiction