Good or bad idea? I was thinking I'd like to put some figure 8's in tropical tank because they do pretty well in fresh water, don't get too big and supposedly not as nippy to other tank mates. I know most puffers usually have a bad rep in this regard but I've been reading online and everybody who's had figure 8's say they're pretty peaceful to everyone except snails and occasionally each other, but I still find references that say to be cautious. Actually, there's a lot of conflicting info on whether their truly freshwater or brackish etc. :? Just wondering if anybody else had experience with puffers in communities, especially figure 8's.
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Puffer in a community tank?
Re: Puffer in a community tank?
i had 2 Green spotted puffers together in a 10 gallon. one died from some fungal infection in his mouth but they were togeteher for a few months and got along fine and everyone says they are the worst fin nippers. especialy to each other. so if i was u id try and see.
Re: Puffer in a community tank?
I had a green spotted puffer for a few years and he lived in brackish water the entire time I had him. I never tried keeping anything with him so I can't help you there.58G Malawis
10G planted
Re: Puffer in a community tank?
I wouldn't reccomend it, but then again nothing is ever written in stone when it comes to fish. They all have their own personalities, I would however say that 90% of the time thats not a good idea. Most Puffers will eat smaller fish, when the fish is too large for them to eat they will just nip at the fins till the fish can't swim anymore. Now puffers in a large group will make short work of even a large cichlid. This is just from my expierence and by no means the only rule of thumb.Resident BUM !!!
Re: Puffer in a community tank?
Figure 8 puffers are low end brackish. Salinity should be min. 1.005. It is possible to keep them with other fish depending on the individual puffer. It would just be a test and go sort of thing. But if you want a healty puffer brackish is recommended.
Here is some information:'
Water Parameters: Low-end brackish water (SG = 1.005 - 1.008); Temp:24-28C (76-84F) ; pH: 7.8-8.3
Personality/Temperament: Somewhat agressive, although less likely to predate tankmates than T. Nigroviridis. An active fin nipper that hunts for food.
Max. Size: 3 inches (8 cm)
Estimated Lifespan: 15 years
Care: Despite other reports to the contrary, this species requires brackish water for good health. Introduce to a fully cycled aquarium, and maintain and a low-to-medium salinity. Strong filtration is recommended. A tank size of 15 gallons for one Figure 8.
I know there are lots of people that keep them with sailfin mollies. Hope this helps.A house without a puffer is not a Home.
Re: Puffer in a community tank?
I had one when I started a brackish tank many years ago, the other fish eventually died, but he kept on going. I then acclimated him to my 55g african cichlid tank. He was fairly aggressive but the cichlids held their own for the most part. When I started a 55g salt tank, I acclimated him to that as well. He "recognized" me and would come up to eat out of my fingers...he loved freeze dried krill. I have never had a fish so hardy. He lived almost 13 years and survived not only all the different tanks, but 7 moves as well!215g Malawi Peacocks and Mbuna
180g Tropheus Ikola and Bemba and Clown Loaches
58g Bristlenose breeding and grow out