Hello, I just joined the community and thought I'd introduce myself as well as ask for any ideas. My name is Monette and I've been a fish enthusiast for a good couple of years now. I have 4 tanks of tropical fish, all non aggressive. Here's my question, for Christmas I received a 50 gal tall set up. It's been cycling for about a month now and it's almost at the end of it's cycle. I'm really looking forward to stocking it, but because of the tallness of the tank I'm not sure what would be comfortable in it. I currently have two serpae tetra in it (I know I need more so I'm going to expand the school, they were kind of a rescue) so I'm wondering what would be compatable with those fish and the tall tank. I'd like to do semi aggressive, can I? Any ideas or info would be greatly appreciated! Here is a picture of the tank to give an idea of how tall it is. 
Thank you!

Thank you!