Made a big Noob mistake 
240gal tank
3 fx5's filled with pot scrubbies, bio rings, bio balls, and removed all the pads and replaced with cotton poly fill so i just throw away the cotton and replace with new cotton when i clean the filters
with the holidays i got lazy and haven't been doing water changes so the other day i cleaned all 3 fx5's and rinsed the bio media in tank water which i never do i usually clean 1-2 filters at time then come back and clean the other filter about a week later then a few days after i cleaned the filter i did a 50% water change. Now my NO3 levels are too high and I'm doing a 25% water change as we speak. Lesson learned and i will never clean all my filters and do a big water change in the same week. Just wanted to share my learning experience with the Box

240gal tank
3 fx5's filled with pot scrubbies, bio rings, bio balls, and removed all the pads and replaced with cotton poly fill so i just throw away the cotton and replace with new cotton when i clean the filters
with the holidays i got lazy and haven't been doing water changes so the other day i cleaned all 3 fx5's and rinsed the bio media in tank water which i never do i usually clean 1-2 filters at time then come back and clean the other filter about a week later then a few days after i cleaned the filter i did a 50% water change. Now my NO3 levels are too high and I'm doing a 25% water change as we speak. Lesson learned and i will never clean all my filters and do a big water change in the same week. Just wanted to share my learning experience with the Box