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125 gallon new project!!!

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  • 125 gallon new project!!!

    I have a 125 gallon right now that is housing a bass and a catfish. I am getting ready to move them to the pond with the big boys. My intentions are to completely drain my entire tank and literally start a guppy tank out of it. My question is... I was wanting to put some neon tetras and maybe a few gojo eels in it. What else can I house with this community? This idea started thanks to my daughters 10 gallon Christmas present that came loaded with babies and I'm worried she's going to have to many fish in her tank before long and we are going to have problems.

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  • #2
    Dojo Eel or weather loaches are very adaptable and can be housed in either tropical or temperate aquariums. They can get sizable, but will certainly not outgrow a 125. Neons can do well and with a tank that size it could conceivably house quite a few, watch for more moderate temperatures and keep in mind Neons and Cardinal tetras do vary in temperature preference a bit. For guppies you will literally have a millionsfish for certain. Lacking a predator to assist in population control you will get quite a sum before long at all. Once you have achieved your preferred amount a minor fry predator might be something to consider or even a larger livebearer that is a bit less prolific. Other things that can work in a tank like this would be groups of Peppered/Bronze/albino Corydoras, Bushynose Plecostomus (Ancistrus spp.)(avoid the general Pleco, they get huge and do poor jobs on clean up), Silver Hatchetfish, Glolite tetras, Zebra Danios, some cichlids you could consider might be Curviceps or Festivums, perhaps some Bolivian Rams (they might pick off fry, but would help the population keep in control).
    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
    Desiderius Erasmus
    GHAC President


    • #3
      You could use a single Angel fish. As population control.
      Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...

