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My Tanks

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  • My Tanks

    Tanganyikan Community: 55g
    1 Burundi Frontosa
    1 leleupi
    1 tetracanthus
    1 Yellow Calvus
    1 Inkfin Calvus
    1 tropheus Moori
    1 syno cat
    The one Malawi exception - Psuedotropheus Crabro(bumble bee cichlid)
    - he was a 'rescue'
    Tank has been up and running for 2 years or so, want to eventually move into a 90g but I still have time.

    Low Tech planted tank: 30g
    Firemouth cichlid (2 in.)
    3 Black Skirted tetras
    2 emerald Corys
    1 albino Cory
    1 15 year old Rapheal Catfish named Gilbert
    Java moss (my cup runneth over)
    Java ferns
    Amazon Swords
    This tank in one way or form has been running since 2001.

    2.5g NanoReef:
    3 Palys
    20+ polyps of Reverse Gorilla Nipple Zoas
    15+ polyps of Green Bay Packer Zoas
    12 polyps of blue/green Zoas
    Cauliflower Coral
    4 polyps of Blastomussa LPS
    1 blue ricordea
    5 red mushrooms
    GSP colony
    1 scarlet reef hermit
    Jadeveon Clownfish (ocellaris clown)
    3 brittle stars and **** tons of bugs, copapods

    72g Bowfront Brichardi Colony with two years of lineage.

    20g Tall with Mom and 8 baby NeoLamprologus Cylindricus (dad bailed, literally. The pressure was too much. Found on carpet Dead) the hole he jumped from was so tiny!!!

    1 15g SW hospital tank

    All my tanks have at least twice the needed filtration if not more using Eheim canisters or HOB. My life is a constant water change..... I am OCD about it. All tanks are peaceful and on AutoPilot. Firemouth gets *****y every once in a while.

    Sometimes nothing is a real cool hand.

  • #2
    Sorry, didn't realize the potty mouth I have on Autofill!

    Sometimes nothing is a real cool hand.


    • #3
      I will add pictures to this thread tonight. Still new to this app and forum stuff.

      Sometimes nothing is a real cool hand.


      • #4
        Glad to have you onboard, looking forward to the Tang tank and Planted! We keep a lot of planted nanos and some Tang tanks, but the fish are a bit different. We are mostly gobies, shellies, petricolas and hopefully another cyp colony. The nano fish are all super teeny or shrimp only. Oh and we have a huge puffer in a 150 planted, and babysitting some gorgeous Geos.
        In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
        Desiderius Erasmus
        GHAC President


        • #5
          @mnemenoi I have done speciosis Shellies and loved them. I would love to add a red headed tapajo Geo to my 29g. That would be a great buddy for the firemouth.

          Sometimes nothing is a real cool hand.


          • #6
            We have a nice colony of multifasciatus that are always with 3-6 batches going at a time. The Geos we are babysitting are Red head Tapajos (group of 8 adults), really nice fish. Once they are moved the tangs are upgrading to the 105 though....
            In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
            Desiderius Erasmus
            GHAC President


            • #7
              That sounds perfect. Once we paint our house I will be doing some tank shufflin' myself!

              Sometimes nothing is a real cool hand.


              • #8

                Sometimes nothing is a real cool hand.


                • #9

                  Sometimes nothing is a real cool hand.


                  • #10

                    Sometimes nothing is a real cool hand.


                    • #11
                      These pics were all taken in haste, going outta town, lights all just turned on by timers so everyone is still tired.

                      Sometimes nothing is a real cool hand.


                      • #12
                        Nice tanks!
                        In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
                        Desiderius Erasmus
                        GHAC President


                        • #13
                          Thank you! My Tang tank has had other occupants that either moved, died or were picked on. Caudopunctatus, a masked Julie and Brichardi(now in colony) oh and my Black occelattus(speciosis). I had to stream line my tanks for maintenance and population. Kids will cut into daddy's Aquarium time:/

                          Sometimes nothing is a real cool hand.


                          • #14
                            Nice selection! Ultimate occasionally brings in some interesting stuff. Just wish they did a bit better job at collection points....
                            In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
                            Desiderius Erasmus
                            GHAC President

