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my new oceanic biocube 14

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  • my new oceanic biocube 14

    Ok well i scored this bad boy off of craigslist.  had water in it less than a month.  literally brand new.  guy bought it and the light wasnt enough for his corals so he upgraded.  well i scored it.  i am using it as a brackish water tank.  I put my Green Spotted Puffer ET in it and a couple weeks ago I also bought him a baby brother or sister Green Spotted Puffer.  He had a tankmate for ever but then he died.  Finally at the meeting I figured out why he died.  I had feed him trumpet snails and I am almost 100% sure he broke his teeth cause when he tried to eat he went nuts and freaked out.  Well anyways,  the new babys name is Stewie.  He is little less than half of ET size.  Like a minime. lol.  shoulda named him Minime.  But when he gets bigger he wont be so mini.  Well ET has taken to him very well.  Stewie follows ET like a puppy dog and they evan shared a krill today.  ET doesnt mind him at all.  I know my deco might not look the greatest but im not much of an aquascaper.  Wish I was.  Well here are the pics.  I used the bio sponge from the 10g i had ET in and put it in the bio compartment of the new biocube to kick start the biological.  All the sand, fake plants, and one of the pieces of holey rock also came from the other tank.  Oh and most of the water.   Well here are the pics.

  • #2
    Re: my new oceanic biocube 14

    oh and i am looking for a couple small gobys that are brackish water.  I have my salinity at 1.010.  I would like a couple bumble bee gobys, or any kind really.  They need to stay small though.  I dont wanna upgrade the tank.  But i want some to sift my sand and clean up scraps from my messy guys.


    • #3
      Re: my new oceanic biocube 14

      they are soooooooo cute......congrats on the score of the tank....and looks happy .....


      • #4
        Re: my new oceanic biocube 14

        yeah thanks.  ET has acted bored and lonely since PuffDaddy Died.  RIP PUFF DADDY.  lol.  by the way Puff Daddy is my avatar.  But anyways,  since he died ET wasnt the same.  But today, I have watched them close since I introduced them.  New tank,  new deco setup so ET didnt feel at home.  But he and Stewie have been interacting, and ET seems ok with him.  Stewie will follow him around, get right next to him and ET is totall cool with it.


        • #5
          Re: my new oceanic biocube 14

          that's so sweet.....glad they have bonded.....


          • #6
            Re: my new oceanic biocube 14

            Keep an eye out for knight gobys, small jade gobys, morgunda gobys, and small marble gobys. Both the jade and marbled do get larger, but they do not seem to grow that quickly. I think bumble bee gobys may end up being "bite-sized" :!:  Dragon gobys may be ok as well, but as they are filter feeders, make sure to supply them with extra bloodworms and brine shrimp. By dragon goby, I mean the eel-like one also known as a violet goby. I remember when Planet Fish at their original Stella Link location would label almost ANY freshwater or brackish goby as "dragon goby" !
            PLECOS SUCK!



            • #7
              Re: my new oceanic biocube 14

              BTW, similar sized figure eight puffers, and both gulf coast and long-nosed killifish would make good tank-mates.
              PLECOS SUCK!



              • #8
                Re: my new oceanic biocube 14

                cool.  as for the top swimmers i think im good with the 2 puffers but the gobys i would like to have.  the sand sifter would and will have plenty to eat. the sand has been in the tank for plenty of time for food source to be good.  plus i feed brine shrimps to the puffers and blood worms occasionally so hed get some.  well if anyone knows where i can get the smaller ones please let me konw.


                • #9
                  Re: my new oceanic biocube 14

                  I have four golden something or other killifish I could contribute....for a small small fee or a trade (of what...I have no clue lol)
                  5.5 fw fluval chi - class N top bar snake chested endlers/ red marble bn/ 4 stripe RCS/ pumpkin shrimp
                  20 sw cube - a few damsels and a colony of bristleworms
                  29 fw - self cloning crayfish..which can't seem to clone haha
                  29 fw - mollies / albino bristlenose / ghost shrimp and snowball shrimp/ glo danios
                  29 fw - crs/ amano/tiger shrimp /assassins/ whiptails/ plants/ 3 emerald cories
                  55 fw - steatocranus casaurius (20ish)/ tetras/ rainbows/large Jack Dempsey
                  75 fw - large Jack Dempseys / pictus cat/ yoyo loach/ Red gippicep
                  / 10+" oscar/ parrot


                  • #10
                    Re: my new oceanic biocube 14

                    hey are the marine lights in the tank too much for my puffers??  and whats the difference in the blue light and the white light?  it has 2 led moonlights in it which is WAY COOL.  But whats the deal with the blue and white.  i know u need them for marine but it has 2 switches one for each light  wwhy would u wanna use them different?


                    • #11
                      Re: my new oceanic biocube 14

                      are they brack?  what they look like?  how big they gonna get?


                      • #12
                        Re: my new oceanic biocube 14

                        I don't think those killies are brackish...I could be wrong, though.

                        The blue light is probably an actinic light, which usually emit light at 420-460 nm, somewhere around there. They're mostly used to simulate the light found at the depth of many coral reefs, where the other wavelengths are quickly absorbed - the blue light penetrates the farthest.

                        The white is probably some sort of "daylight" lamp. As for having 2 switches, it's so you can turn them on and off at different times. That way you can gradually "wake up" the tank. Or, some people do a sort of "noon burst," I think it's called. Same principle, though. I would much rather have half the light on my tanks turn on, and then the other half. It wouldn't be such a startling burst of light every morning for the fishes.  8)

                        Edit - I think the lights are fine with your puffers. They look happy!
                        "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                        • #13
                          Re: my new oceanic biocube 14

                          If they're Golden Wonder Killies, they'll get to be about 4".  That's how big mine are.  Certainly not enough room in a the cube for even one of them.  They liked nothing smaller than my 55 - although I had to stick them in a 20L temporarily when I moved.  Never had them in brackish tho - I don't think they're one of hte brackish varieties.

                          I saw some brackish knight gobies at a lfs in Baytown a while back that were pretty neat looking.  If you bring the puffers up to full salt, you'll have a wider variety of choices.  Since I sold my pair of GSP's, I'll be converting their former tankmates back to freshwater (2 silver scats).  The tank mine were in had marine lights - one blue actinic and a bright white light (not sure of exact rating of it).  the puffers and scats both did fine, although if I turned on the lights abruptly when the room was very dark, the poor scats would run into the tank walls darting around.  It's a 50G Tall tank - Seaclear variety with built in sump in back.
                          The ultimate oxymoron - Narcolepsy and ADHD.
                          Who says you can`t have it all??!!


                          • #14
                            Re: my new oceanic biocube 14

                            yeah,  im tryin to get me some knight gobys i think they are called. well one of them. see how he does.  i dont wanna fool with the full saltwater anymore.  im done with that. brackish is most salt im doin. lol.  i have been turnin on the white light at the day and in the evaning given them the purple light for a couple hours before i go to bed and the night lights kick on.  they are gettin along great and lovin the tank and each other.

