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The muddy waters tank, a disaster that doesnt stop.

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  • The muddy waters tank, a disaster that doesnt stop.

    So I got this ADA mini S, cycled with Amazonian aquasoil and AC20 filter.

    A week goes by, the soil inside stays loose with no way to really plant anything in it.

    Yesterday, decided to take the water out and pack the soil down so I can put some Glosso I got from Chris on here. Instead, now it looks like the river of chocolate and no sign of clearing up.

    Any ideas? Bad batch of Aqua Soil from City Pets?

  • #2
    Re: The muddy waters tank, a disaster that doesnt stop.

    Sounds like you ruined the soil.
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      Re: The muddy waters tank, a disaster that doesnt stop.

      How can you ruin soil? Is it possible to ruin Aqua Soil with Aqua?

      It's heavier than water, so eventually it settles right? And the lighter parts gets caught in the filter sponge, so it should clear up as it gets filtered since the flow is only at the top surface? Does it not turn in to mud at some point?


      • #4
        Re: The muddy waters tank, a disaster that doesnt stop.

        The aquasoil is a man made soil that is made up of multiple things bake together so to speak.

        When you disturb it too much of smash it it is then crumpled and what was baked inside is now left to float around and release the nutrients into the water column.

        I forget the technical term used by amano but it is said in the instructions included with the soil.
        700g Mini-Monster tank


        • #5
          Re: The muddy waters tank, a disaster that doesnt stop.

          i don't know much about any of the aquasoil stuff, but i have read a lot of complaints all over the net, yes, if you are a very sophisticated hobbyist and want to spend every second of your available time to tend to a 100% perfect aquascape, you can read all of the amano instructions and live and breathe anything that comes out of the house of amano, but for most people, that is not a reality, there is limited time and money, and for simple easy solution, i would recommend eco-complete (given you don't get a bad batch, usually apparent from the color of the water in the bag) it does not require any preparation, no rinsing no nothing, just take out of the bag and dump in the tank, also does very little clouding for 24 hours max, and is an excellent planted aquarium substrate, just my opinion, please don't kill me guys

          (disclaimer - i am a novice, and have very limited experience compared to many in the forum and my opinion is based on my personal experience only - which is also limited)

          65 gallon - ADA 120p - planted
          55 gallon - AGA standard - mix cichlid
          30 gallon tall - eclipse acrylic - semi-planted

          live and let live


          • #6
            Re: The muddy waters tank, a disaster that doesnt stop.

            Aquasoils isn't that complicated.....and those that complain obviously have a hard time reading instructions which are included with the soil in english,japenese and I believe german.

            Pour soil in, add water but not aggressively as you would with most all substrate and don't play in it as if it were a sand box.

            Honestly I am a lot more rough with the soil then most others I have seen and I never had a problem with it.

            Common sense really.......
            700g Mini-Monster tank


            • #7
              Re: The muddy waters tank, a disaster that doesnt stop.

              i don't know anything about this soil.....but if you want to clear up that tank i can suggest one thing that i would do for it. i use the oddesyea powerheads with the sponge prefilter on them. When i put one of them into a tank it usually clears it up within a few hours to 24 hours. Now mind you I don't know about that soil and if "you ruined it", but this is how you can clear up the water in the tank. And being that it's a 20 gallon i think i understand you to say...I would use the 250 size.


              • #8
                Re: The muddy waters tank, a disaster that doesnt stop.

                Well the Mini-S comes out to be like 3-4g so I don't think the powerhead will make it any better.....stuff the ac20 with floss but honestly just get some new soil and don't jack with it.
                700g Mini-Monster tank


                • #9
                  Re: The muddy waters tank, a disaster that doesnt stop.

                  Originally posted by eklikewhoa";p="
                  just get some new soil and don't jack with it.

                  The problem with this method is tat the Aqua soil I have is alot finer than the one you gave me, so it stays extremely loose and I cant plant anything in it. I guess time to dump all of it and buy the large granules of Aqua Soil.


                  • #10
                    Re: The muddy waters tank, a disaster that doesnt stop.

                    Well, I just did my other Mini-M with the Aquasoil Powder and it's sitting fine in my tank with an Eheim 2011 filtering it.....also planted a ton of fine foreground plants with no problem....might wanna look into getting some tweezers if you plan on getting into the planted tank thing, they make planting plants so much easier! I also use it to move my frags around in my little reef tank  
                    700g Mini-Monster tank


                    • #11
                      Re: The muddy waters tank, a disaster that doesnt stop.

                      1) Drain it and add a layer of fine gravel. Refill it care fully.
                      2) Drain it and mix it with gravel [less effective].
                      3) Strip the tank, wash the aqua soil, using a strainer [not to hard it is dirt]. Let the soil dry in the sun [I've used this before with used aqua soil, works gret.]

                      And, aqua soul is immensely better than eco-complete. For a nice look however i like to use aqua soil and top it with eco-complete.


                      • #12
                        Re: The muddy waters tank, a disaster that doesnt stop.

                        i think I am going to use Amazonian Soil II over top of the finer layer and see how it will workout.

                        This is what it looks like now, I will add the new larger particle soil tomorrow morning.


                        • #13
                          Re: The muddy waters tank, a disaster that doesnt stop.

                          Wow, so it still hasn't cleared up? Is that the original soil?
                          "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                          • #14
                            Re: The muddy waters tank, a disaster that doesnt stop.

                            Originally posted by Mzungu";p="
                            Wow, so it still hasn't cleared up? Is that the original soil?

                            What you see is the ADA amazonian soil. I have dumped everything out and did the following:

                            Layed a layer of Amazonian on the bottom
                            Another layer of Amazonian II over the top.

                            put in some water and replanted the Glosso and Anubia.

                            Water is getting clearer already with the AC20 back on. Time to sit back and see how it goes.

