1. The Feeder- Usually, like predatory fish. Takes sadistic pride in watching feeders (guppies, goldfish, pinky mice, small children) flee from the on coming jaws of their mutant overgrown oscar.
2. The Killer- You love them. You feed them. You change the water. You've kept them all. You've killed them all. Fish literally, start floating to the top of the tank on your approach. (I probably, belong here)
3. The God of War- You keep highly aggressive fish, usually packed to disperse the aggression. Forget World of Warcraft- a tank full of Petros- rated M for mature. Remember in the end there can only be one!
4. The Decorator- it's all about colors. Those pretty yellow guppies sure would look great with some pretty blue African Cichlids. There are never enough scuba men or treasure chest in a tank. Pink and blue gravel can look very natural ( on other planets).
5. The Landscaper- Rules of 3rds. Amano is not only a shrimp, he's a god of aquascaping. You never just refer to your tank as the 30gallon or the one in the living room. You've named them: " Enchanted Forrest", "Blissful Orchard". Wabi Kusa- means more to you than 3 sticks in a Marimo moss ball in a shallow dish.
6. The Survivalist- There's water. You put fish in and leave them alone. Tank maintenance consist of topping off the water. Signaled by the filter making too much noise or you start to hear fish flopping around. Feeding is optional as you really don't know what's in your tank, because the algae on the glass prevents viewing.
7.The Horder- You've got a lot of tanks. You've got a lot of fish. You've got no idea what you have. Just pray you don't wind up on a reality show somewhere.
2. The Killer- You love them. You feed them. You change the water. You've kept them all. You've killed them all. Fish literally, start floating to the top of the tank on your approach. (I probably, belong here)
3. The God of War- You keep highly aggressive fish, usually packed to disperse the aggression. Forget World of Warcraft- a tank full of Petros- rated M for mature. Remember in the end there can only be one!
4. The Decorator- it's all about colors. Those pretty yellow guppies sure would look great with some pretty blue African Cichlids. There are never enough scuba men or treasure chest in a tank. Pink and blue gravel can look very natural ( on other planets).
5. The Landscaper- Rules of 3rds. Amano is not only a shrimp, he's a god of aquascaping. You never just refer to your tank as the 30gallon or the one in the living room. You've named them: " Enchanted Forrest", "Blissful Orchard". Wabi Kusa- means more to you than 3 sticks in a Marimo moss ball in a shallow dish.
6. The Survivalist- There's water. You put fish in and leave them alone. Tank maintenance consist of topping off the water. Signaled by the filter making too much noise or you start to hear fish flopping around. Feeding is optional as you really don't know what's in your tank, because the algae on the glass prevents viewing.
7.The Horder- You've got a lot of tanks. You've got a lot of fish. You've got no idea what you have. Just pray you don't wind up on a reality show somewhere.