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Moving Baby fish

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  • #16
    Re: Moving Baby fish

    Originally posted by AnotherWoogie";p="
    I'm really hoping to not have to introduce anything else to these babies (not that your stuff would be contaminated or anything) because they're SUPER important to me - first batch and all :)
    No problem.


    • #17
      Re: Moving Baby fish

      That's true about the power pooping, but they ARE in a 10g...and they're pretty tiny. First off, I think I would leave everything the way it is, as far as the plants and almond leaf. And I agree to do a water change before you leave, but try not to suck up too many little critters that the bettas can eat while you're gone.

      Any chance you have a batch of infusoria sitting around? Is there a sponge filter in the 10g? Do you have moss in any other tanks?
      "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


      • #18
        Re: Moving Baby fish

        I won't power feed the adults, but I will power feed the babies just because they are in such a big tank. All the fish will be getting water changes before I leave and I only change some water and not suck up anything in the gravel or anything like that. I recently sucked up some of the dead leaves on some of the plants, but I'll leave them alone for this time.

        I don't have any infusoria, but how fast can I culture some? I don't have any filters in the 10 gal, just an active air line going into the water to keep the surface agitated. I have some java moss in one of my betta bowls and some more java moss on some driftwood in a small tank I have with Killis in it, but they don't have any filtration (just once weekly water changes).

        Sounds like I suck at this parenting business :(


        • #19
          Re: Moving Baby fish

          You don't suck at parenting!  

          I bet if you took some tank water (the older, the better) and put it in a separate container/jar and let it sit, with some sort of "food" for the infusoria, you could get a little bit before you have to leave. I've heard people using lettuce (dried?) as the "food," but I've never actually done it before, so I don't know what the best method is. Maybe someone else can chime in to help?

          I was asking about the moss and the sponge filter just because they would help feed the babies over the week you're gone, with all the stuff growing in them.  :)
          "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


          • #20
            Re: Moving Baby fish

            Will the java moss and driftwood not be enough to have little critters for the babies?

