So I just ordered my MrAqua 12 gallon long. I need some opinions in what filter to use and what lighting to use. I plan on using Ada soil. I want to make this tank a low -med tech planted tank.
No announcement yet.
12 gallon looong.
Filtration and lighting will be tricky. Filtration I would go with an Ehiem 2211 or maybe one of the ZooMed little canisters they made. Suppose there are those small fluvals on the market, but never actually ran one on a nano tank before. As to lighting... you really have 2 options. First is a single bulb T5 fixture that is thin with mounts (never seen one, but might exist) or a low powered LEd array (far easier to find) maybe a Finnex Ray (not the 2 or the planted+, they are crazy potent especially at 36" and in a low tech tank would make an algae farm) or perhaps some of the lower powered sets from Top Dog. Current has a nicer array that might do the trick at that size, but I personally have no experience with them.In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Desiderius Erasmus
GHAC President
They did not have any the last 2 times I went. It has been a year at least since I saw ADA soil there. Think they were getting it from ADG and with them no longer carrying it, everyone has to go through San Francisco at Aqua Forest. Maybe a 9 liter bag, I think the 3liter bag would be tough to cover everythingIn the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Desiderius Erasmus
GHAC President
If I had the choice, probably a 2213 and if its too strong use the blocks to limit flow. 2211 is a smaller choice and likely a bit harder to come across, but are small and more easily hidden. If lily pipes are your goal, you might look at tubing ID's as I am not sure they are the same.In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Desiderius Erasmus
GHAC President