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They Had A BIG Party!

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  • They Had A BIG Party!

    Well while I was at work today the fish in the 10gal had some kind of wild party. Went in there to find plants laying on their sides and sand every where. I mean that glass house is a mess! And I would bet on who did it. I just know it was little busy face. LOL

    And I like to never found one of Crizz's guppies. Thought sure I had lost one, but no, there she was under a branch picking away at the sand. First morning I thought one of the guppies was dead, I'm sure it was asleep, now I thought aliens had taken one away...It's nerve wracking when you have other people's fish even though they're now your fish! LOL

  • #2
    What are your fish list in the 10?


    • #3
      Beth I had to move the BN pair out of my planted tank. They started up rooting plants but they seem happier in the Big tank.
      Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...

