I'm about to head out on vacation (2 weeks) for about a week. From 0 Nitrates 1 week ago, I fed heavily for the week (they eat it all, too), sometimes twice a day. My Nitrates are only 20 now. I know they can handle high ppm, but shouldn't, but I'd like opinions on whether under heavy feeding, going from 0-20 in 7 days is a lot. If I reduce feeding to every other day, should be good for 8 days I think...
Here's the specs on my build.

I built a sump from a 20g tank with a refuge full of Hornwart (that stuff grows like mad), as well as lots of mechanical and chemical filtration.
3 inches of gravel in a 90g tank. 1 giant piece of Holy rock, running about 6-700 gph depending on how much hornwart gets stuck in the intakes... I think...
2 large Blood parrots, very stupid, but cute. ABout 8 inches or more.
1 baby placo
1 Red Zebras,
3 yellow labs.
1 "Rusty" really small
1 really white.... lol
ah hell, I'll post a pic... use to have a couple snails, but the parrots like escargot.
Anywhoo.. I'm testing water evap rates to see if I'll need anyone to top it off while I"m gone, and not just feed, as well as test the load on the tank.
Here's the specs on my build.
I built a sump from a 20g tank with a refuge full of Hornwart (that stuff grows like mad), as well as lots of mechanical and chemical filtration.
3 inches of gravel in a 90g tank. 1 giant piece of Holy rock, running about 6-700 gph depending on how much hornwart gets stuck in the intakes... I think...
2 large Blood parrots, very stupid, but cute. ABout 8 inches or more.
1 baby placo
1 Red Zebras,
3 yellow labs.
1 "Rusty" really small
1 really white.... lol
ah hell, I'll post a pic... use to have a couple snails, but the parrots like escargot.
Anywhoo.. I'm testing water evap rates to see if I'll need anyone to top it off while I"m gone, and not just feed, as well as test the load on the tank.