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My Siamese Algae Eaters are dying off...

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  • My Siamese Algae Eaters are dying off...

    I originally bought 4 SAE's about a month and a half ago, well about a week in a half ago I noticed one of my rocks that was stacked on top of another had fallen and upon closer inspection there was a half eaten body of one of my SAE's under it. I figured that maybe one of my other fish was playing around and knocked it off while the SAE was under it working at some Algae and was crushed when it fell. Now tonight after my lights turned off I added a algae pellet for my 2 pleco's and when I scanned the tank I noticed a fish body laying by my driftwood so I got a light and checked it out and it's another SAE that has been halfway eaten? I know they aren't starving to death because they eat the flake food I feed every night I have not witnessed another fish chasing them around or harassing them ether. I have 4 Roseline Sharks, 19 Serpae Tetras, 2 German Blue Rams, a L-201 Pleco, a L-129 Pleco, and 4 Apple Snails. My Ammonia is 0PPM, Nitrite is 0PPM, and Nitrate is between 5-10PPM and my temp is 80 degrees.