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Cardinal Tetra's and Blue Gourami's

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  • Cardinal Tetra's and Blue Gourami's

    AqAdvisor suggests the gourami's will kill the tetra's, but I'm not sure and seeking further information.
    I currently have dwarf gourami's and neon tetra's in a 20L and they coexist just fine.

    I'm planning out a 75 gl planted and would like a school of cardinals along with the larger gourami's. In a larger tanks with plenty of plants and spaces to get away will this work?

  • #2
    With a larger gourami I've read this could go either way. So it seems there is some risk. If you want to try it use lots of plants to break lines of sight. A hungry large fish will try any fish that is smaller. I have had a 5" red head tapajos geophagus take a bite out of a large almost 3" Colombian tetra but it happened only once and never again.

