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Question about Jumbo Neon Tetra and tankmates

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  • Question about Jumbo Neon Tetra and tankmates

    My lfs have these jumbo neon for $1.99 each. In the past ive never been able to keep the regular ones for more than a couple of weeks. So whats the 411s in the jumbos? Since theyre maxed out in size do their lifespan is closer to an end? Can i keep them with blood rosey barbs, red eye tertas, ?

    Btw i bought like 8 of them should i go back to get more?

  • #2
    Iv had failures in the past with tetras but last time was a great success. not breeding successful but I started with babies and grew them out. Tank water parameters and acclimation is where its at. Perhaps my tank being a planted tank at the time helped too in giving them places to hide.


    • #3
      Cool. I do have plants and will be adding more to give them additional places to hide. I bought 12, so far only one casualty.

